90% of my posts are trigger posts because man is it easy to trigger a Trump worshipper on b.net. But This post is a little more serious. I'd really like to know what you all seem to see in this man.
Trump has been in office for about a week now. He's made a lot of moves, some minor and some major. Some smart and some very questionable.
My question to you why do you honestly like him as a president?
Here's my opinion as a base. His personality is arrogant and over confident. He speaks poorly of certain minorities and even of women. The basis of his campaign was to build yet another overly-expensive wall at our southern border. He wants to make America Great again by bringing jobs back to America, yet we know that these jobs will be dangerous, minimum wage factory labor. He wants to lower corporate taxes for companies that switch to stateside manufacturing, punishing those with higher taxes for not abiding (yes, this is communism at a high degree). Since taking office, he's making strides to silence environmental agencies such as the EPA and USDA. He's made a move to repeal the affordable care act (this is fine) with nothing to replace it thus far (Not fine). On top of this, him and his cabinet are lying about various topics such as the attendance of the inauguration.
All of these statements are factual. They are not speculation. They are not leftist media trickary. These are based on quotes taken from the man, and from numerous news sources. Most of these are common knowledge right now.
So, really b.net, what is it about this man that makes you swear by him like some kind of God?
[spoiler]"bringing tears to the liberals eyes" is not a valid answer[/spoiler]
[spoiler]"mayonnaise" isn't an instrum- answer either. [/spoiler]
Spamming and whining doesn't trigger anybody lol dork