Level 40 light 320+ only!!
Looking for a clan of people who like raids crucible and all that stuff and we can all compromise for each other and get stuff done that each of us want or need basically just some g's who wanna do shit let's link up add me my psn is marywibbe!!!
Join The Planetary Imperium & Break your Limits before its too late (PS4 Only) https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1535857 The Planetary Imperium is a clan of Strategic...Terrestrial...Advanced....Rebels or S.T.A.R's. I'm Happy to Welcome Anyone who wants to join Our Clan. Rather they are Newcomers or Veterans, Male or Female, Rise of Iron or Taken King (even non Taken King) We are all nice down to earth People a little silly but still very nice. Our Motto is "Limits Are Meant To Be Broken" & I would be Honored if you would join us and help us break those Limits. If you have any Questions just ask or if you would like to make this you official clan contact me and I'll send you an invite.