So has anyone else been scared shitless in siege other than me?
(Volume warning kinda)
Also the reason we were so loud was because we were kinda -blam!-ing around screaming at each other for no reason until the second clip where a friends asked where someone went.
Edited by Vanta Envision: 1/30/2017 8:01:43 PM>be me >playing casual >Thermite because 556 is op >randomly breach wall because why not >whole team is looking at wall >ohfuk >hip fire >sends prayers to RNGsus >5v4 >5v3 >4v3 >3v3 >2v3 >1v3 >only one left >HellNah.mp4 >places claymore and runs >1v1 >peeks corner >gets headshot from 1 foot away >defenders win >DAMMIT.png