originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]The bullet was lodged in the helmet, the visor was flickering on and off. Rook quickly got to his feet, stumbling from the gunshot. Rook's voice was now deeper and flickered with static, almost like a robot. However it sounded as if Rook was arguing his counterpart. [/b]
"Bring it you -blam!-er!...I'll rip your eyes out you..."
[u][i]"Silence, you shall never see the face of the earth again."[/i][/u]
[b]Rook scrambled to pick up his shotgun. Barley able to aim.[/b]
[u][i]"Well now, I'm sorry to you on the other side, for Rook is gone. And you are next."[/i][/u]
[spoiler]... Hell Fúcking Yes [/spoiler]
[spoiler]"On this episode of What Would You Do, we have a black man head to the hood of Chicago, while holding a Confederate Flag, and advocating for the right to own slaves."[/spoiler]
[spoiler]LMAO "Next time: White Males visit women's marches and make speeches on why males are dominant [/spoiler]
[spoiler]"Then we see the women's reaction. When a transgender gay muslim refugee makes the speech about men being better than women in every single way."[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'd pay to watch that to be honest [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Pure TV gold[/spoiler]