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2/1/2017 5:46:42 AM
Idk man it's kinda like that jerk who won't hold the door open for the person right behind them on purpose. Common curtesy if you ask me. Not that what I say matters tho lol

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  • thats a bad analogy. why do you think someone is obligated to hold the door open just for you (or anyone)? if they werent there you'd have to open it yourself, so it makes no difference, in that regard. appeal to tradition is all that this is.

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  • Edited by sexyfrustration : 2/1/2017 11:12:47 PM
    Don't twist my words. I never said that anyone was obligated to do anything. It's common curtesy. It's Not required. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done tho. Have some respect for your fellow man.

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  • your painting it out to be an obligation. someones a "jerk" for not doing it. a quick google search for "courtesy" yielded the following: "a polite speech or action, especially one required by convention." the use of REQUIRED fortifies my assertion. similarly, "obligation" gives us: "the condition of being morally or legally bound to do something." in this case, the 'doorstop' is MORALLY BOUND by COURTESY, under the fallacy of tradition. tradition, or in this case, convention: "a way in which something is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity." and the convention being holding the door open. ergo, by the definitions of YOUR OWN WORDS, one is OBLIGATED to hold the door open for another, for nothing more than a pointless tradition of groundless morality. and finally, respect is a two-way street; its something that is both given, and earned. again, why does one owe another anything, even as simple a thing as a second to keep a door open?

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  • You're missing the point man. It's not the fact the he didn't do it. It's the way he went about, it wasn't called for. What does calling people names accomplish? Yea respect is a two way street but who is gonna take the first step?

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  • it sounds like they didn't. as someone pointed out, he prefaced his stream with the fact that he would NOT be doing the count-down. i highly doubt he began by saying that he wouldnt do the count-down and that everybodys a bee-yotch. people generally dont like change, hence the fallacy of appeal to tradition: 'thats how its been done, therefore thats the only way it should be done.' and then, i imagine, thats when everybody began polluting the chat.

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  • If you recall I did say that if he announced that changed things, and I don't care above t the tradition or obligations. In fact the obligatory aspect of it infringes the point I'm trying to make. Do it or don't do it. A person with a strong will won't let people complain break him To the point of belittling his fans.

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  • are you SURE that they were ALL his fans? i mean, when bungo highlights you as a bounty emblem giveaway whatever, then there'd be more than just his fans there this time. trolls polluting chat could've been a vocal minority. for that stream the majority could've been outsiders hoping to get a chance at that emblem. "... and don't care who i earn it from..." OP sounds like one of these 'non-regulars'. maybe hes always like this. ive seen other streamers be something similar like this to their regular audience. im not a gothelion fan so i dont know.

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  • Although I understand the analogy you're trying to make, I don't see how not saying "launch matchmaking now!" Is considered common courtesy. If anything, he's doing most of us a [i]favor[/i], without it goth would most likely only match with people that live 2 blocks down. At least his way there is some RNG, and better chances of people farther away to match him

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  • It's the way he went about it tho. I agree with most of what you said, but wouldn't be easier to announce his method instead of treating others like crap? For that there isn't any justification. Being a jerk just to be a jerk is rather moronic. Especially to kids. I know what it's like to have someone you look up to treat me like trash when I was growing up. It's sucks. It's unfortunate that the normal thing to do these days is to act like a dick. You see it everywhere and it benefits no one.

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  • He said before he even started that he wasn't doing a countdown. How can you be more clear? Go watch it back if you need to it's in his channel.

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  • Ah see I didn't know that. That changes most things

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  • Edited by LDSG BossMan: 2/1/2017 6:52:23 AM
    I didn't personally watch the stream, but going off of what OP said, the chatroom was being toxic about it (I'm assuming this is an understatement, as op shows his bias). Because of this, calling them crybabies and to get over it seems justified to me, [i]especially[/i] as it's his stream, and he gets to do what he wants on it. As for having someone to look up to: if you look up to a twitch streamers as someone you idolize, you're idolizing the wrong people.

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