Have you never heard of sarcasm? Rent a sense of humor will ya?
I'm late on my rent-a-center bill so I can't do that at the moment lol
Don't mask your ignorance as sarcasm.
I was fully aware of his joke when I made my comment. You're the one trying to mask your ignorance lmao
Were you? And no, I wasn't masking anything. In fact, I pointed out the usage of British idioms. Sodding wanker.
I knew what British idioms were before this post lmao you're just trying to hide the fact that you jumped to conclusions
Don't lie. You don't even know where Britain is.
& now you're just grasping at straws
You don't even know what straws are.
Lmao that's the best you got?
Nah just the best you'd understand.
Seriously? Your insults are weak as shit Lmao I don't know what straws are? I don't know where Britain is? That's the best you can do?
Your brain is weak as shit if you don't realize by now you're being trolled. Lmfao
What do you think I'm doing to you?
An exercise in futility?
Says the guy with empty insults
Trolling <--------> Your head
Words are just words lmao [spoiler]did you find that one on Google?[/spoiler]
Yes. They are.[spoiler]no, but I found a porno starring your mom on Google. She's gross.[/spoiler]
I did her btw. Please continue
HAHAHAHAH lol that legitely made my day
That was you? I thought it was a werewolf. You are quite hirsute.
Hahaha there it is! I was waiting on the generic mom joke. Like I said though, your insults are empty.
Not as empty as your brain. And your soul.
Souls aren't real & pretty sure my brain is filled with all kinds of things... neurons, cells, atoms...
Not going to get into existentialism with someone whose brain is obviously empty since he doesn't even understand British idioms.