What do you guys think about the notion that fates could be pre-determined given recent world events?
I think it's clearer now than ever that we are all autonomous beings and everything that happens in the world is a product of our cumulative decisions.
Bad b8 m8.
If everything that happens in the world is a product of our cumulative decisions, wouldn't future decisions also be a result if this (causality)? If that is so, then the future is essentially set, meaning fate [b]does[/b] exist. *[i]cue [url=https://youtu.be/XVSRm80WzZk]Twilight Zone Theme[/url][/i]*
#Destiny #Prison #Volcano https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/221765197/0/0 https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/221766159/0/0
Yup, totally fell for it!! You fecker!! LOL
Decent b8.
Damn. I took the b8
NO. I look in the mirror and do what the other guy tells me.
As long as I can eat this sammich in peace, I'm ok.
I cant wait for the destiny comics from marvel. They are retelling the story of the war in heaven.
Pulowski! nuclear Protection on a budget!
You can do better
Gr8 b8 m8 this some master b8
So I assume that you believe in hard determinism?
Edited by Spicy Water: 2/2/2017 6:14:48 AM8/8 m8 would masterb8 [spoiler]*insert gimmick here[/spoiler]
Roar, storms! Echo, thunder! Shake this world, and all be blown away! With one blast, no enemies remain. Flowers bloom, butterflies dance, Grandpa's rheumatoid arthritis is cured, the dead rise, and you shed tears of joy. Now, to share with your family, enjoy the wonder of explosion magic! Remember to follow the rules. Try and avoid using it in the vicinity of people and their homes. Remember to use it in a safe environment. Always have parental supervision. Limit to one use per day. All in the name of effective explosion magic use.
hopefully humanity dies or gets its shit together. either is fine but neither is a problem.
I fell for it. 8/8 b8.
Inb4peopleassumeyou'repostingaboutthegame I'm of a mind that we're all just trying to self-determinate, as the Geth feel all life has a right to do. In a nutshell: Figure out what to do, and do it.