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Edited by The Quillster: 2/3/2017 12:59:49 AM
Thee bounties in general are just a terrible idea imo, not necessarily because of the people hosting but because of the way they're setup. It sounds like a fun idea, get a chance to team up or go against one of your favourite gamers, and get a cool emblem, but the chance of matching up is so minuscule that you might as well try and win the lotto while you're at it. And of course there's the fact that some people have connection advantages due to their location relative to the steamer, and you could end up keep matching with the same people which prevents others from getting in. Finally, it's not good enough that you were lucky enough to match with them, but you then have to beat or win with them which is entirely down to who's on your team, the enemy team etc. On a side note, I did end up randomly matching against byf once, not even during a steam which really goes to show the randomness at play.

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