[spoiler]you're better than this bro[/spoiler] *Mortar watches the Cabal from a distance. He didn't know what they were, so he seems hesitant to attack, but he grabs his plasma sniper, and waits for any hostility*
[b]A small outpost outside the dojo frenziedly set up defenses. The small legion of twenty four soldiers plus their commander went out to confront the Cabal. A long line of defenses had been set up, consisting of a set of Titanium barriers, which the soldiers used as cover, and two turret stations, which had a large machine gun set up on a tripod and surrounded by a thick steel barrier.[/b]
The young man spoke into the hologram "You're kidding, right?" "Am I ever kidding?" The voice that replied sounded worn-out "So you're saying I get to terrify some space walruses..." "cabal" "...cabal by making a hologram of zombie aliens..." "hive." "...hive and going full admiral akbar into the comms?" There was a long pause. "You could say that, I suppose." "And there I was thinking I had a boring job. " [i]a few minutes later[/i] There was a terrible screech as the visage of a green tear in spacetime appeared in the sky, and the sight of a tomb ship glided into view. A voice of (To the centurion) the pilot (To everyone else) the centurion Sounded in the cabal ' s helmets (Just after the centurion ' s helmet communication had shut down) "Hive incoming. Retreat." (or whatever cabal say in that situation )
[b]"By the Emperor..."[/b] [i]The Centurion muttered to himself quietly, staring upon the Tomb Ship silently. He had gone against the Taken, but the Hive themselves...why were they here?[/i] [i]He began to order his troops to fall back, but not before the Colossus raised his minigun and awaited the order to fire. Instead of shooting, the Centurion waited - they could retreat, not now, or he would be stripped of his honor, his rank.[/i]
(In his flat, Cravis chuckled slightly) "Activating phase two- stormtrooper tactics" *hourdes of Hive fell from a dirty dust coming from the tomb ship, firing massive blasts of shredder, boomer and wizard fire, somewhat convinently only just missing, as thrall that were cut down by someone who must have been in the group, though you usually don't take much notice of individual squad firing dicipline when legions of wyrm- infected aliens are trying to tear you apart.*
[i]While the remainder of the Cabal squadron began to fire, the Psion did not - why were the Hive even there in the first place? Besides, they wouldn't have sent just one Tombship. Where were the armadas of Wizards and Knights?[/i] [i]If she had the chance, she'd begin to investigate..[/i]
Cravis looked at the psion, noticing they know something was wrong. There was only one thing to do. He pressed a red button convinently labeled 'Flashy explosions' Cravis wasn't usually one for advanced pyrotechnics, but something told him it would have mind - clearing capabilities. A few seconds later, there was a series of big, hive-like explosions in a line coming towards the psion.
[spoiler]this is one of he most efficient ways of removing these guys, so...[/spoiler]
Edited by Quietly Quincy: 2/3/2017 8:39:48 PMAs the Cabal weaved through the town, a familiar sound could be heard. (Non-canon if you need it be, cuz im doing this for fun) It sounded like a sword being unleashed, and a bright light came from inside a store. Suddenly, a golden blast of light burned its way out the window and smacked into one of the Legionary's heads, causing it to incinerate and then explode. It was followed by two more shots just like it, incinerating two more Legionaries. A loud whollop and a war cry could be heard as a Gunslinger in SnowAngel armor came flying out of the store window on a Ravensteel Sparrow.
[spoiler]does anyone still Use the ravensteel other than me?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i do!!![/spoiler]
(reply plez?)
[spoiler]I did.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]thought I did[/spoiler]
[i]"Guardian!"[/i] [i]The Psion yelled out in her own language, as the remaining Cabal Colossus, Phalanxes, and Centurion began to fire upon the soldier of Light rapidly. The Centurion flew back, positioning himself upon a building. A Guardian...[/i]
He jumped off the sparrow, sending it crashing into the Phalanx's shield as he hit the ground, rolling behind a large hunk of debris to avoid fire. His shields were down and he grunted as he could feel his side burning.
[i]The Phalanx staggered back, although it's shield was only dented slightly. After regaining itself, it proceeded towards the Guardian, alongside the other Phalanx. They would attempt to trap him.[/i]
He almost laughed when he peeked at what they were up to. "They do this every time.." he said as he readied a tripmine. He tossed it and it stuck to the one Phalanx's shield, its blast knocking it back about a foot. The Gunslinger peeked up from cover and aimed his Khvostov 7G at the other Phalanx's arm that was protruding from its right. He flicked the gun to full auto and unleashed 70 bullets in a matter of seconds, having set the fire rate to 900 RPM.
((Meh, I mean...Psion was sorta a character, so edit it to where it's just a Legionnaire and gud.))
I just vomited about six times.