Check out this clip from my VoG Crucible run the other night.
Praetorian Foil is [i]almost[/i] as good as Saladin's! And the TTK on the Vex is competitive. Landing your shots is tough though.
Enjoy, and feel free to subscribe. I'm rolling most nights (GMT) solo or with my clan. We aren't MLG... But we are definitely fun!
For those talking about the Rarest Weapon, It is actually the whole September Queens wrath weapon set! Yea the guns are just made legendary, but those oldies have the slick Queens design and are classified "Rare" And the Supremacy is the "Benevolence" But its purple and Gold. Fate of all Fools isn't rare because its not even an actual drop, Trifecta got it because of his Brain surgery and Bungie gave him that said gun.