She jumped, letting out a little shriek as he appeared behind her. She was terrified of just about anything, and Motar randomly materializing ohtbof nowhere did a good job of scaring her.
Bramd - old
*Mortar's eyes soften as he sees her jump. Any other day he'd let out a little laugh for surprising her, but today is definitely different* Woah, Mari. It's okay, it's just me. -
She recognized him and was less fearful of him, but was still crying. She yelped and skidded backward against the wall as an explaoion shook the area.
Bramd - old
*Mortar braced himself when the explosion hit, then looked back at Mari.* It's okay, Mari, come here. You'll be safer in the center of the room with me than next to a wall. -
She was frozen for a moment before focusing. She sniffled, tears still fresh on her face as she slowly made her way to Mortar. She hugged him once she was close enough, only managing to wrap her arms around his waist as her head was around his stomach thanks to her height.
Bramd - old
*Mortar hugged her hard when she hugged him, sitting down to stay at her height* It'll be okay -
She continued crying, out of fear mostly as the explosions and gunfire only reminded her of her dead family. It had only been a few months since their untimely passing, but she was still traumatized by it. The recent attack only brought memories back, besieging her mind (metaphorically).
Bramd - old
*He holds her head to his chest, stroking her back a little while making a small shushing sound with his mouth. It was a calming sound that sounds like the tide coming in and out on the beach* -
Her crying quiets down eventually, but she still shook ocasionally, squeezing Mortar tight. She was six though, so it isnt like it hurt.
Bramd - old
*He continues the shushing noise, then starts humming a calming, quiet tune. The song seems unknown, probably something from where he grew up as a human child, since he didn't have much in the Underworld* -
She calms down, focusing on the tune. She closes her eyes again, sniffling a little as she tightens her hug again. "Th-thank y-you..." she managed to say.
Bramd - old
You're welcome. *He smiles a little when she closes her eyes* We're family, I'd do this anytime -
She smiles a little as well, making a quaint murring sound.
Bramd - old
*The sound seems interesting to him, as he has never heard her do that* -
She continues murring, her ears flopping sideways lazily.
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles, scratching behind her ear* So, what is going on up there? -
She looks confused, looking up at him. "Where?" she says.
Bramd - old
*He points upwards, with all of the fighting above* -
She frowns a little. "Don't know...one morning quiet and nice...next morning loud booms...Got scraed, came here.."
Bramd - old
Oh, okay. I'll send some people to help stop this in a little bit. In the meantime, do you have anything to defend yourself? -
She took Lefty, the pink P99 Quincy gave her, out f her pocket, showing it to him. Word around town says she actually shot Ian with that gun when he attacked her in the woods.
Bramd - old
*Mortar looks at the gun and nods slightly* That'll do nicely Mari. So long as it works it'll do nicely -
She shrugged. "Gun works.." she said as she put it back in her pocket. The safety was on.
Bramd - old
Right. *Mortar holds her close to him to keep her safe. He IS her uncle, so he wants to stay close to her* -
She sniffles again, closing her eyes as she sighed tiredy.