As you may or may not know, the majority of the Patriots supported Trump and vice-versa. And because of this information, the die-hard Hillary supporters rooted for the Falcons. This is the stupidest thing to come out of this election because [b][i][u]POLITICS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SPORTS AND THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE ANY EFFECT ON EACH OTHER.[/u][/i][/b] Trump winning has nothing to do with the Patriots' win and the Patriots' win means absolutely nothing about the future of this country. It's the super bowl, not the midterm elections. Let's hope this doesn't happen again next year.
Rant. Over.
[spoiler]I didn't like either of the candidates but I disliked Trump more. I also don't follow sports at all but after hearing that two of my friends had done just this really pissed me off. [/spoiler]
Edit: lol at all the people who turned this into a Trump vs Hillary argument. This is exactly what is wrong with what I was talking about here. Bringing an argument into something that never needed it.