originally posted in:The New Dojo
Are you kidding? He's way to busy deporting people and building that wall to bother with us.
I'll just tell him op is an illegal alien
Op isn't even in the US, soooo that won't even work.
We'll bring democracy to his land then
He's in Canada lol, pretty sure that's there already.
They're filthy socialist commies there. We shall bring back democracy
Don't know what you've been smoking but I think you should stop, you can't afford to lose any more brain cells.
We shall democratize you also
Good luck with that.
Burn filthy commie!
You dare acuse the mighty Zane of being a commie? Heathen.
You look like a commie. Burn in hell Marxist scum!
*rides in on polar bear* EH BUD?! YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME?
I'll have your socialist behind tar and feathered and marched through the streets of Washington
Hah! I will love seeing the sight of the White House burning a SECOND time when I conquer your pathetic capital! You say you represent freedom? You aren't even a democracy!
Im actually more of a monarchist. So screeee yeew.
*Sips freedom* What was that?