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2/10/2017 12:26:51 AM
Honestly you don't need a crit to shot melee them. And if you get the timing down it usually does work. And they need the health regeneration because close quarters is where they're meant to shine. Subreakers can just toss hammers from a mile away and not worry about it. They're better overall. Just bladedancer with better mobility, infinite range, explosive hits, and double damage on impact.

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  • I think you are overlooking that ammo is going to be unbelievably scarce i believe

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  • No it won't. The meta will shift. People who used Matadors will swap to Universal Remote. People will grab their Invectives and Ice Breakers and rightly so. Bungie shouldn't have touched special ammo. Nerfing shotguns was enough. They should have done what they said they would weeks ago, and not nerfed shotguns and as a result, all special weapons, into the ground, and instead buffed shotgun competitors, like sidearms (which they sort of did as a bi-product) and PRIMARY WEAPONS. Instead they effectively nerfed Hand Cannons by quite a bit, buffed auto rifles by an amount we are yet to see and is left to be judged, and they killed Fast RoF pulses. Then for more overkill, they nerfed the things that were only overpowered with shotguns (Stormcaller Melee and Jugg Shield) among things that don't even make sense like nerfing a Landfall Stormtrance where nobody uses Landfall in PvP, and a regular Stormtrance duration remains unchanged.

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  • Don't forget fusion rifles. Fusions are a real risk/reward kind of thing. You die a lot. Often to the third rusher after you've vaporized the first two. Losing your ammo is gonna hurt.

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  • Wait? What Did they to do my beloved babies ( hand cannons)

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  • Removed bloom completely!!!! From your initial shot. Follow up shots also now have increased bloom and they gave Hand Cannons less range across the board, to push this stupid "YOU HAAAVE TO PACE YOUR SHOTS" gig. They also increased damage falloff. So you have to wait for your hand cannon to reset now.

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  • -blam!-. Well back to suros we go

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  • Interesting points we will have to see how uni and nlb and IB have to do in the meta. But i do fear for that

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  • NLB is a hard weapon to master I don't see the majority of the community being able to adopt it, though it would be funny have the two teams line up and fire at each other like the revolutionary war or something

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  • That would be awesome, especially considering Destiny is in the future

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  • True which is pretty dumb

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