I believe ammo will actually become more abundant ( if you're a good player) because it spawns every minute and good players can survive for long periods of time
Idk, man. A high K/D doesn't necessarily equate to "not dying for long periods". I think it'd be more accurate to say that a good player just gets plenty of kills in between each death. You're [i][b]going[/b][/i] to die. Supers, snipers, lag, crouchers, etc. Lots of things can hit you out of nowhere, no matter how good you are or how carefully you try to play. And losing your special ammo every single time is certainly going to make it a bit harder to get those kills in between your own deaths. You respawn into one random shotgunner who's away from his team, in your spawn, and oh look at that! You don't have any shotgun ammo to counter him, your grenade isn't back up yet, and he's too close to kill him with a primary before he gets to you. Dead. You respawn and step into an area that is [b]not[/b] a common sniper lane, but there's a guy hardscoping anyway and oh look at that! You don't have any sniper ammo to battle it out with him. Your hand cannon can't help you because it just had its range nerfed. The good news: your first shot won't have bloom so you can definitely land it. The bad news: at this range, the damage falloff only leaves you dealing a measly 33% of your weapon's actual damage. Don't worry about the bloom still being there on the second shot, because you're already… you guessed it… Dead. Oh look! You just respawned again. Guess what type of ammo you still don't have. You've now been playing for several minutes with no special ammo and no chance to grab one of these quicker spawning boxes that they tried to placate us with while butt-fking this whole scenario. /Rant.
I would agree. I didn't necessarily mean high kd but I defenitely see what you mean. More passive players will definitely benefit though
Yes. Just yes
Maybe. There's always FOH haha