I was annoyed by the Bladedancer changes but they make much more sense now, thanks OP!
Doesn't even require a critical, and now shotgun damage has been increased so there's that. Shotguns have less ammo but when you are going against the first opponent, he get's you really weak, you regen to half. Next opponent requires only a normal range shotgun blast because you have si low health
The damage buff was only in PvE
It was also in pvp to counter the loss of critical damage
Go watch the stream again.
Edited by pallo xd: 2/12/2017 8:10:19 AMThis patch is weird. They nerfed shotguns as a whole when most of the shotgun are horrible
Pallo are you dumb? Shotguns only got a 20% buff in PvE. You gotta be dumb to watch n listen and still get it wrong. #dumbass
Haha lol. So they nerfed all shotguns what didn't require a nerf like proud spire or all those shitty shotguns. Matador 64 will still be the most powerful weapon in the game. Gg bungo your changes are nothing