It does have sound logic, but it falls on these deaf ears. Think of it this way: When Bungie tones down one thing they realize they have to tone down something else, AKA "nerf", in order to balance. They've been at this for far too long and thus has turned a large portion of the community against them because they're slowing the gameplay down to a snail's pace and herding their players to create their own balance with each new "meta balance".
If they really wanted balance they'd try to actually buff their way to glory. If they did that then we'd see some real diversity and action in BOTH PvP and PvE. Sure you can't totally go the opposite and keep buffing up up up or else it'd be just as boring as the twitch shooter CoD, but with the current state of PvP and PvE this game is already so slow that Torgue's Grandma could gum someone to death faster than a Guardian could kill with an assault rifle.
They really shouldn't have to keep nerfing, quite frankly I'm surprised Bungie has kept at this method for so long when so many hate this method of balance. It doesn't solve anything other than to peeve people off and pad out gametime.
EDIT: Just wait for people to complain about Defender Titans, Voidlocks, Bow Hunters, Assault Rifles again, two burst pulse rifles, NLB, sidearms, Uni Remote, Invective... what'll you think Bungie will do? Downgrade them to FORCE balance not encourage it. Doubt they'll need to use their brains for that.
Exactly this and more.
They coukd've saved themselves alot of grief and made seasonal rotations. HANDCANNONS AND HUNTERS ARE GREAT THIS SEASON, NEXT UP AR'S AND TITANS, THEN PULSES AND WARLOCKS So on, so forth.
If they could separate PvE/PvP that is.
No, that'd be sensible.