You don't have to run Hungering blade. Look if you want to get into the raw numbers then read the patch notes. I'm not going to do it for you. Obviously as a general rule you don't have to run it, you can run Encore or whatever.
But if your argument, ( Assuming you have one ) Is that blades can't be one shotted you're dead wrong. It's been done, many times. With high impact snipers. The subclass is squishy. Blink has been nerfed, Razor's edge is broken and doesn't always proc correctly, the hit registration is still iffy, you have to run '' Bones '' because there is no decent jump in the tree other than blink which has been nerfed, again, that closes out any other exotic slot because, obviously Hunters need their movement, and now shield regen on Hungering blade has been nerfed in favor of a slight boost to health after a kill. The super will be much easier to team shoot. That's a nerf.
Let us not also for get there is pve in this game, and blade is not even viable in pve. You try to take Bladedancer into any end game pve content with a team and you will be kicked immediately. And rightfully so. Any subclass in this game should at least be a viable option, Blade isn't. And the one place it could actually shine, it has been stripped of it's ability to do so.
I mean look, you want to rationalize the nerf, go ahead. You won't be the first or the last. And you are entitled to your opinion. But if one is a day one player like I am, then you realize this game plays a heck of a lot different then it use to. It's less fun, and it's less satisfying, primarily because of nerfs. This is just another bad nerf that wasn't needed.
I would like to thank the Academy.
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