originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Well........I used to be royalty. No joke, maybe they'd believe that?"
"What would someone of royalty wanna do at a crime scene?" He asked. Though he was wanting to know her idea.
"A good ruler personally checks on her subjects, that is what I was taught"
"...do you think they'd know you? I mean these twilight people kneeled before Falk just a few months ago."
"That's the point, they'd know the mannerisms of someone who IS a ruler"
"...true. Alright we'll go with that." Alex confirmed. "Let's go talk to that guy over there." Across the tape was a man in a police uniform, he was a twilit man.
Alpha cleared her throat "What happened here?."
"Some crazy malfunction. Couldn't give you any more details m'am." The officer responded as he kept his eyes on the building.
"Are you sure? It would be a complete shame if you held back a detail, which might carry the weight of hundreds of lives. But I can't make you do anything...."
The policeman turned around to see Alpha. He sized her up and down, then Alex. "Ma'm, the police force can... Wait...are you....ARE YOU THE FIERCE DEITY?!" Deity stood with pride. "Yes! Yes I am!" "Holy shit! GUYS! COME OVER HERE!" Suddenly the police officers all came over to see Alex. The began to ramble. Alex leaned over to Alpha. "Ya...I guess I'm a hero to these guys now? Something about freeing them from their dimensional prison?"
She immediately saw an opportunity "The fierce Deity has appointed me to investigate this entire issue. He assured me you would give me complete cooperation on this matter. Are we clear?" She gave the Deity a look that said [i]Just play along[/i]
"Errrrr YES! She is my PRIVATE INVESTIGTOR! She is here to...investigate. And solve! This crazy problem!" The police looked at each other for a moment. Then looked back to Deity. "Sounds legit." The cop said. "Follow me!" One of the cops lifted up the tape for the two to move through...
Alpha ducked under, and kept walking "Where exactly did the blast happen?"
"Started on the ground floor and made its way up, took out all the electricity. It was like a big ass blue explosion." The cop said. "We think we found the source though." The cop walked the two into the building and toon them down a set of stairs. In the basement, it was a dark glass room. At the end, was a massive vault door. "Haven't been able to get in." The cop continued. "Think you guys can take a look?"
Alpha flicked her wrists, and a plasma blade appeared above each wrist "Stand back, I'm going to cut through this." She got in front of the door, and pressed the blades against it
The blades cut through with ease, and the door began to weaken. "Leave us!" Alex said. "Excuse me sir but-" "I said leave us!" "Okay!" The Cop left the two alone. "How's that door coming?" Alex asked Alpha.
She sheathed the blades, and gave it a push, tipping it over "Done." She unholstered a 9mm pistol and chambered a round "Ladies first."
"What?! Bullshit that's my line!"
"Not anymore" She chuckled "How long before the cops decide letting us in was a mistake?"
"Very soon, judging by my experience." Alex said as he stepped over the door and into the next room....
Alpha followed, looking around at the building "Okay, let's get this done fast."
"No shit. We have no idea what's waiting for us in-Why is it so dark?!" Alex yelled. The two were in an incredibly dark room and it got to the point where they couldn't see in front of them....
Alpha activated the shoulder flashlight on ehr suit, while raising her gun "Quiet, now!"
Alex raised his own gun, and suddenly the triggering of the flashlight lit up the entire room and the light flashed on the ceiling. The two were in a narrow hallway, and the light blinded their eyes. As they adjusted, four drones with turrets on top came around the corners at the end of the hallway and began to fire at the intruders. "Shit!" Alex cried as he bashed into Alpha, pushing her into the side and behind a wall that provided cover. "Well isn't this a great start!!!"
"Get their fire! Once they're distracted, I'll shoot them, ready?" She unslung the rifle off her back
He eyed the other side of the wall, which had a similar crevice. "Sounds like a plan!" He said as he jumped across the hallway and to the other side of the wall. He immediately took fire and machine gun bullets [i]pinged![/i] off the side of the wall...