originally posted in:The New Dojo
The blades cut through with ease, and the door began to weaken.
"Leave us!" Alex said.
"Excuse me sir but-"
"I said leave us!"
The Cop left the two alone.
"How's that door coming?" Alex asked Alpha.
She sheathed the blades, and gave it a push, tipping it over "Done." She unholstered a 9mm pistol and chambered a round "Ladies first."
"What?! Bullshit that's my line!"
"Not anymore" She chuckled "How long before the cops decide letting us in was a mistake?"
"Very soon, judging by my experience." Alex said as he stepped over the door and into the next room....
Alpha followed, looking around at the building "Okay, let's get this done fast."
"No shit. We have no idea what's waiting for us in-Why is it so dark?!" Alex yelled. The two were in an incredibly dark room and it got to the point where they couldn't see in front of them....
Alpha activated the shoulder flashlight on ehr suit, while raising her gun "Quiet, now!"
Alex raised his own gun, and suddenly the triggering of the flashlight lit up the entire room and the light flashed on the ceiling. The two were in a narrow hallway, and the light blinded their eyes. As they adjusted, four drones with turrets on top came around the corners at the end of the hallway and began to fire at the intruders. "Shit!" Alex cried as he bashed into Alpha, pushing her into the side and behind a wall that provided cover. "Well isn't this a great start!!!"
"Get their fire! Once they're distracted, I'll shoot them, ready?" She unslung the rifle off her back
He eyed the other side of the wall, which had a similar crevice. "Sounds like a plan!" He said as he jumped across the hallway and to the other side of the wall. He immediately took fire and machine gun bullets [i]pinged![/i] off the side of the wall...
Alpha popped out of cover, and fired at one, then moved to another, firing at that one too.
Two of the drones exploded with each shot, leaving two left. Alex popped out of cover and fired, shooting another.
Alpha shot at the final drone, then looked around to make sure it was clear
The hallway went quiet, and Alex stepped out. "Holy shit that was close!"
"We need to keep pushing forward" She starts heading forward
Alex followed close behind her. "Ya, no kidding. Check the corners before we get flanked the shit out of!" He suggested. Up ahead was a dead end, which lead to the left and to the right. Alex kept his back up against the right wall, and quickly checked the left path. "Clear." He said affirmatively.
Alpha checked the right path, finger on the trigger
The pathway was clear and was basically identical to the last one. "Okay...right or left?" Alex asked her.
"We can cover more ground if we split up." She took the left path
"It didn't" She tried to use her comms to keep track of him "Yo, Asshat, come in!"
"Ya ya. Calling me an asshat...pshh..." he said to himself as he ran after Alpha down the hallway. "Let's keep moving." The two made their way down the paths without any resistance. Eventually they walked into a large dome shaped room. In the centre was a platform that was slightly elevated above the rest of the floor. Otherwise, the room was a dead end.
Alpha checked the platform, standing on it "I mean, you answered to it."
"Har har. Funny." He said as he stepped up on the platform. Suddenly it shook, and began to descend slowly. "Uhhhhh. Okay. Imma just assume this was the right way to go...?"
"I guess. Elevator or a trap." She looked around, uneasy