With the release of Rise of Iron, the first map for Trials was Last Exit. I went flawless three times in like 5 hours and was able to get the Vigilant Disciple fairly easily. It was quite fun and I'm sure I was not alone in that thought process. There were a number of different weapons being used and various tactics. Everyone was leveling and it was a good time.
[b]826,734 accounts participated in Trials that weekend, and 139,066 went flawless! That's a LOT. [/b]
57% of total kills that weekend were with shotguns, and snipers were 36%.
Matador 64 was 7.86%
Fast forward to this weekend. Everyone has hit light level long ago. Lots of people aren't playing the game because there's nothing new to do, or earn. There's an established 'meta' which nearly everyone runs. IMO Trials is pretty challenging right now. I'm a shotgunner. And I'm not complaining about them. Just stats.
[b]247,120 accounts have participated in Trials this weekend, and 36,430 have gone flawless. The lowest it has been since ROI release (I realize the weekend isn't over yet but let's be real)[/b]
62% of total kills this weekend were with shotguns. 25% are Matador 64.
Ok, 57% and 62% aren't that much different. Shotguns aren't the problem. What's different are the number of people NOT playing the game. Of course it's an obvious stat and everyone on here already knows... But I felt like writing it down so there it is.
All Bungie has to do is give the player an incentive to play trials and everyone's life would be a lot easier. But the majority have what's out there and the rng from those bounties is so bad that the rest either get carried, pay for an account run, or don't even bother.
The matchmaking is stupid for trials. I am a decent player when it comes to trials, usually if I really want to I could go flawless each weekend. I'm not here to brag just giving a perspective. I usually have to give it at least 2 cards if not more. The problem is the skill that you get matched against. I hate playing the first 4-5 games because it's a shut out 5-0 5-0 5-0 and maybe 4-1. The teams I face are just bad and I feel bad and get no enjoyment or learning experience from facing them. Most the time I send a message apologizing and telling them it's not fair they matched us and if they want pointers or to run a card let me know. Most are grateful and wish me luck. Some curse my name and wish me hell. Then the flip side happens where I'm facing Top 1% players for all categories in trials. With 90% win ratio. We don't always get blown out and maybe win one these games. But at the same time I don't learn as much from these games. I learn best from games where teams are closely matched and you have to play flawless to win it hope they mess up. Those are the games you learn from and I have the most fun with. All I want from Bungie is to make Leagues or Tiers of Trials. The end rewards are the same but the higher tiers get different cosmetic looks on their weapons and armor. That's all I want Bungie and I'll return to trials.