originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Heh are you sure about that cause their definitely unique though."says Sylvie
[i]she just keeps walking along slowly.[/i]
[i]They keep following.[/i] [b]Will:[/b] "Eh, what's her name again anyway?" [b]Chris:[/b] "Umm....Lola?" [b]Will:[/b] "You really forgot her name? Didn't you sleep with her?" [b]Chris:[/b] "Where'd you hear that?!" [b]Will:[/b] "My mom is Charlotte." [b] Chris: [/b]"Good point."
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 2/15/2017 1:27:32 PM"Hmm that name sounds familiar"says Sylvie [i]it wasn't long after she reach the twins both of them equally as cheerful as the other. They look and see Sylvie hopping landing on their feet.[/i] "Hi Sylvie who are they?"she says "Im Keira and this is kimi"says Keira [i]she smiles at the two politely. She and her sister were dressed similar execpt one wore a red shirt. Both their tails flicked as they talked.[/i]
[i]Will and Chris wave at the two girls with friendly smiles.[/i] [b]Will: [/b]"I'm Will." [b] Chris: [/b]"And I'm Chris. It's nice to meet you."
"Yes it is"says kimi "A Pleasure "says Keira [i]they both smile politely.[/i]
[b]Chris:[/b] "We would like to thank you for all of the decorating and everything. It's very nice to see some people trying to make this place a little brighter." [b]Will:[/b] "Yeah, so much sh*t happens here."
"Yeah its no trouble we just wanted to cheer everyone up a little bit"says kimi "We hate seeing people being sad "says Keira
[b]Will: [/b]"Hey, we hate people being sad too." [i]Chris chuckles lightly.[/i] [b]Chris:[/b] "Yeah, I can't stand seeing someone without a smile. I try my best to make others happy and sometimes that takes some of my own happiness, but it's worth it."
"Our race is naturally cheery and upbeat so it takes a lot to bring us down"says kimi "Yup we sure are sis"says Keira "So who were you looking for again?"asks Sylvie
[b]Chris:[/b] "Just the people that helped out." [b]Will:[/b] "Would one happen to be his girl?" [b] Chris:[/b] "Will, shut up. Lola isn't here." [b] Will: [/b]"Is her name Lola? You keep forgetting it."
"Oh Lola? She probably with lizzie"says kimi "Yup lizzie is very easy to spot cause she very tall strawberry blonde"says Keira "Yeah she is so it wont be hard to find her. Lets go find her next"says Sylvie [i]Sylvie starts walking again in the last place she saw her. [/i]
[b]Will:[/b] "Haha! She is here!" [b]Chris:[/b] "Damnit...." [i]They follow Sylvie closely.[/i]
"Im gonna warn you right now dont insult lola in front of lizzie she will literally break you she a half giant especially if her brother is around. Lizzie doesn't like people upsetting her at all"says Sylvie [i]its not long before they see a very tall woman who is a good 8'9" in height standing next to a very short bluish green scales covered woman with long black hair. Off in the distance is a very large man who is much taller sitting down watching them.[/i]
[i]Chris whistles to get their attention and waves over at Lola.[/i] [b]Chris: [/b]"Hey, Lola!" [spoiler]Do you not remember these two meeting?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]nah i forgot[/spoiler] [i]Lola looks over and smiles wide when she sees chris. Lizzie's looks and so does her big brother.[/i] "Hi chris"says lola "Oh so thats the chris you wont stop talking about"says lizzie
[i]Chris starts to walk over, but Will butts in front of him and smiles at Lola.[/i] [b]Will:[/b] "So you're the girl he banged?" [b]Chris: [/b]"Damnit, Will. Lola, it's not like that." [b]Will:[/b] "Hey, Charlotte made it pretty clear you banged her." [b]Chris: [/b]"Yeah, but I don't want her thinking I went around telling people about it."
[i]Lola doesn't say a thing but turns bright red. Lizzie's brother however hears everything as he walks over the ground groaned under the man's sheer weight alone. In very deep calm voice he speaks.[/i] "I really hope you aren't that type of person cause i not fond of people like that and neither is lizzie"he says "I...i.."says Lola "Lola is a good girl and she prefers to keep what she does in private to stay private will was it? "Says lizzie sternly
Edited by WM Chronicles: 2/17/2017 2:23:18 AM[i]Will smiles at Lizzie and her brother.[/i] [b]Will:[/b] "Hey, we're all friends here, right? And what's wrong about talking about sex?" [i]Chris puts a hand on Will's shoulder and shakes his head.[/i] [b]Chris:[/b] "Please ignore my cousin. He does not know of his stupidity."
"Yeah but it clearly bothers her"says lizzie "Um..Yeah"says Lola [i]she still blushing as she looks at him.[/i]
[i]Chris walks over and hugs Lola.[/i] [b] Will:[/b] "I can see why he did it with her though. I mean, she's so cute. Nice job, Chris." [b] Chris: [/b]"Will, can you not do this?"
"Your about to tick me off"says lizzie "Chill sis he not worth it"he Says "Please stop talking about it"says lola [i]she hugs chris back.[/i]
[i]Will laughs a bit and shrugs.[/i] [b]Will:[/b] "I'm just messing with you guys." [i] Chris squeezes Lola gently.[/i] [b]Chris: [/b]"How have you been, Lola?"
"I have been good and yourself?"says lola "Oh this is talug "says lizzie
[i]Chris chuckles lightly and nods.[/i] [b]Chris:[/b] "Oh y'know, constant fighting. Actually, I guess you wouldn't since you honestly don't know much about me." [i]Will waves to Talug and smiles up at him.[/i] [b]Will: [/b]"Hello, Talug."
"Hi" says talug [i]he was looking down at him.[/i] "I normally dont fight too much unless i have to.''say lola
[b]Chris:[/b] "I don't go around looking for fights either, but I somehow end up getting chased down by them."