So it was on Crossroads. I was on the tiny little island with my Devil's Dawn and NL Shadow 70X(or whatever) and I was picking people off. I ran out of sniper ammo, so I started taking out people with my rifle. It took time, but I got some kills. Then some people noticed me and tried to stop me.
One person comes through the gate behind me, and I mow him down. 2 more guys come at me, and I have to reload, I throw a tripmine grenade at them and....
Flysergeant K is a phantom.....
I WAS SO EXCITED!! I didn't even know I had taken no damage!
But, when I went to hit record, It opened up the side bar, but
no recording option. Why? I have the setting ON on my xbox, and I really wanted to record this special moment. But no. Sad. Fixes?
on the rift Iron banner a few weeks ago, I got a mark of the unbroken medal as well as a phantom in same match. I wasn't trying for it it just happened. I got super lucky even slammed the rift once. Wish I could have recorded it but was a great moment for me. Congratz on Phantom