So it was on Crossroads. I was on the tiny little island with my Devil's Dawn and NL Shadow 70X(or whatever) and I was picking people off. I ran out of sniper ammo, so I started taking out people with my rifle. It took time, but I got some kills. Then some people noticed me and tried to stop me.
One person comes through the gate behind me, and I mow him down. 2 more guys come at me, and I have to reload, I throw a tripmine grenade at them and....
Flysergeant K is a phantom.....
I WAS SO EXCITED!! I didn't even know I had taken no damage!
But, when I went to hit record, It opened up the side bar, but
no recording option. Why? I have the setting ON on my xbox, and I really wanted to record this special moment. But no. Sad. Fixes?
Come join us and let us know what you think.. We are playing various PvP to test weapons (6's right now with ppl from stream) and we'll do private matches in a bit to get 12 in... Stop by!