originally posted in:The New Dojo
"It's okay, Fionn. I got you," Sarah says.
Her right arm was wrapped around him, and she'd thrown his left arm on top of her left shoulder.
JJ got back to his feet.
She shot the Titan a glare like, [i]Leave! You've done enough damage already.[/i]
"Don't try to apologize. I'll never forgive you."
Fionn continues to hold her hand. "Well, I guess we just 'ave ta wait until she wakes up."
"Well, her ability of healing developed over time. At first, it was a boost to others while she summoned the Phoenix. The first time she did it was during the fight with Crota, when she was enraged," Lunar explained. "I don't remember her bursting into rage," James muttered. "Crota knocked you unconscious, so that's what triggered her rage. That's also why you don't remember it," Delphi explained.
"An' what happened afterwards? Why'd she pass out?"
"What do you think happened to her after Crota fell dead?" Lunar asked.
"Oh." He looks down.
"When she realized she could empower others, she began to train herself so that she could heal others, and not fall unconscious for two days. The Phoenix kept her from becoming exhausted by doing so," Lunar continued. "I assume she developed this ability during her exile?" Delphi asked. "She did. At first, it was a last resort. She used it to make Ouros stronger during the final moments of the Mercury Incident," Lunar explained. "Don't mention that," JJ requested, "It didn't end well for either of us."
"But now 'at Phoenix is gone, she's back ta passing out when she heals people?"
"Yes. That was a setback she suffered after Oryx [i]took[/i] her," Lunar continued. "Don't mention that, either," James muttered.
"Gettin' rid o' phoenix destroyed the Taken part o' her though, correct?"
"Correct. It only did horrors to her," Lunar said. "Can we please change the subject?" James asked.
"Yeah, sorry mate." Fionn replies. "How long is it likely ta be afore she wakes up again?"
"A few hours," Lunar says, trying to hide the fact he was annoyed that Fionn already forgot. Sarah tightened her grip on Fionn's hand. "That isn't good," JJ muttered, "She must be having visions."
Edited by Cannon011: 2/19/2017 5:51:27 AM"Is there any way to help her? Visions are a bloo'y pain." "Lunar, please remember that my Guardian is still recovering from serious mental and light damage." Wisp requests.
[spoiler]Lunar was the one annoyed, but okay.[/spoiler] "Or in Sarah’s case, actual pain. Her visions affect all her senses," Lunar replied to Fionn.
[spoiler]Fixed it. It now says Lunar.[/spoiler] "Is there any way to help her?"
"I don't think there is a way. You can't wake her up, because once she's out, she's [i]out[/i]. Takes a while for her to wake up again," Lunar says. James studies Sarah and wonders what nightmares she could be having. He couldn't stand the though of it.
"If I infused some of my light to her, like the time I helped her when she panicked at the bar, could that help?"
"That was the Taken... I don't think it'll help her now," Lunar replied. "Light transfusion to supress of that stupid curse? Wish I knew that one," Delphi muttered.
"I've seen a lot o' stuff in my time, mate. Light transfusion works wonders."
"Noted," Delphi acknowledged.
Fionn continues to watch Sarah, gently holding her hand and hoping she awakens soon without being hurt by nightmares.
JJ buried his face in his hands as he sat down. Lunar floated around her.
Fionn just waits, sitting by her side. He appears to be deep in thought.
The Titan looked up. He couldn't help but wonder, was Sarah unconscious, or simply asleep? He wonders if there is a scar from what happened on Mercury.
Fionn remains deep in thought, Wisp floats idly around the ship.