What do you guys prefer?
Nerf or nothin
Airsoft because I'm the type of lass who likes to stroke big long hard authentic rifles.... So yeah
Yamato Cannon is much better
I've done both. Both are great for different reasons but I'd almost go for airsoft overall. The fields are much more clean and the guns look more true to life. (I know you can get paintball guns that look like real guns but generally those are more gimmicky) Paintball is better because its harder for someone to cheat, and you have more fear of getting shot.
One time I was playing paintball, and I got shot in the dick. I fell over crying (I was 12 at the time) and someone else shot my ass.
Paintball without the paintballs replaced with bullets.
Edited by B00ZE CLUEZ: 2/18/2017 12:19:52 AMPaintball......with frozen paintballs 😐
I like both, but airsoft is cheaper per round and more commonly has guns that operate like real fire arms. How ever, a new place in Vegas started using real guns that fire paint rounds.
Look at all the pansies afraid to take a hit. AirSoft is for pu§ies.
What about nerf?
I absolutely love paintball. So it's clear what my answer is.
Real bullets [spoiler]touch me bby[/spoiler]
Rubber bullets.
Paintball, the shots fly faster
Laser Tag [spoiler]But paintball is the best.[/spoiler]