Hello everyone! Today I am here to explain the current thought processes behind our new president's actions/future actions, their reasoning, and their opposing arguments.
1. Anti-Free [Insert something you want for free]
This one is motivated from a business perspective. For example, if you give everyone free college, you will have to raise taxes to actually pay for that education. People will not work for free. It will cause strain on the economy and can eventually cause an economic breakdown.
If you say, "But everyone needs free college!" your basically saying "I want this but won't even think about how it affects other people!"
2. The Wall
Ok so this one is a little odd, as a physical wall will cost a pretty penny and will not take care of boat, plane, or expired Visas. It will however slow illegal immigration as a whole. Probably
3. Trump and illegal immigration
The thing to understand here is that Trump does not hate [b][i]Legal[/i][/b] immigration, he only hates [i][b]Illegal[/b][/i] immigration. There is a legal process you can follow. These are common misconceptions. Oh and, the reason the Democratic Party wants illegal immigrants here anyways is so they can use them. They want to pay as little money as possible for as much labor as possible. They don't care about the people, they care about the profit.
4. The "Muslim" Ban
This was mainly symbolic, to show that he will/has fulfilled his campaign promise that he plans to cut off refugees from entering this country so he can figure out how to stop extremists from entering and committing terror attacks.
Edit: Wasn't passed so doesn't matter.
5. Why is the "Grab her by the pussy" even relevant?
The "Grab her by the pussy" comment was locker room talk way before he ran for president.
6. Trump is not really a politician
Trump is a business man that wants to help the business side of the United States. He is not here to give you free money, he is here to help the Middle and Working Class grow financially.
7. Where is all the Hate Speech Trump has said?
Seriously, I would love to see a reel of all the hateful things Trump has said about people.
And with that I have summarized what I think about Trumps actions. This is just my opinion, I remain open minded with my ideas. I will listen to what you have to say if you provide credible sources (this applies to both sides) and back it all up. If I am missing anything, am uniformed, or sound super opinionated let me know and I will back up why I think what I think.
Other Bump