Fionn shifts, his eyes slowly opening. "Wha'? What happened?"
"Fionn," Lunar says, "She saved you."
He blinks a few times. "Sarah?" He looks over at her.
She lie there, collapsed on the ground.
"Sarah!" He quickly sits up, afraid she'd hurt herself.
She was still unconscious.
Wisp scans her to make sure she's ok.
She was alright, breathing, normal heart rate, and such.
He sighs in relief, sitting back. "She saved you. The darkness from the knife isn't in yoh anymore. It completely joined with your light." Wisp tells him.
James looks down at Sarah, concerned.
Fionn attempts to gently wake her.
She doesn't move. James kneels down and shakes her, "Sarah?"
"Sarah, wake up!" Fionn says, beginning to panic.
"We need to get her to safety," James decides, picking her up, "She isn't safe in this alley. Where to, Fionn?"
"My ship?" He offers.
Fionn scoops her up and they Transmat to his ship as Wisp sends tge coordinates to Lunar and Delphi.
Delphi Transmatted James to those coordinates, Lunar sure to follow.
Fionn lies Sarah down on the ship's bed. "Wisp, Lunar, Delphi, all of ya scan her. Find out wha's wrong."
[spoiler]I'm staying up late to RP[/spoiler] Lunar shook his shell, "Scans aren't necessary to figure this out. When she saved you, it drained her strength badly. She's in a stable condition, we're lucky about that." James shook his head, "Before, she never was much of a healer."
"Could I transfer a bit o' my energy to 'er? Would tha' help?"
"It's best for her to recover on her own," Lunar replied.
"Aight." Fionn replies, gently holding her hand. "Any idea how long that'll take?
"Few hours. At the least," Lunar replies, "I have no idea why this is knocking her out." JJ shook his head, "Maybe the same reason she rarely healed others before."
Fionn continues to hold her hand. "Well, I guess we just 'ave ta wait until she wakes up."