"Don't be sorry. I was glad to help you."
He smiles a bit, looking down at tge floor. "Still, I'm sorry I wasn't able ta do it myself."
"It's not like you could have..." She mutters.
He dosent reply, obviosly upset that she nearly hurt herself to save him.
She grabs his hand, "It'll be okay."
"Yeah... 'course it will." He replies. Wisp floats by. "Huh, strange. That's exactly what Pox said before she died. Isn't that ironic?" He comments.
"Buzzkill," Lunar noted, "What a buzzkill." She sighed, "Wisp, do they call you [i]Wisp[/i] Because you're as creepy as a will-o-wisp?"
"Actually, he named me that because it's from Irish mythology, and I found him in Dublin." "An' sometimes I wish you hadn't. Out o' all the Ghosts, I got the one tha' never shuts it's bloo'y mouth."
"At least Wisp isn't as bad as Ace," Lunar muttered. "I wonder how Cody could even stand Ace," She said.
"Anyways, you saying everything will be fine was very ironic and mildly amusing. Thank you." Fionn scowls at his Ghost.
"That wasn't nice, Wisp," She said.
"What wasn't nice? I was only mentioning that it was a but ironic that his new girlfriend said the exact same thing as his old one just before she died." Wisp says. Fionn looks down at the ground.
"That's disturbing, Wisp."
"How so?" Fionn looks like Wisp's words hurt him quite a bit.
"Please don't mention that again, Wisp," Sarah chided.
"Why? What's wrong?" Wisp asks. "Am I not allowed to speak my mind?"
She sighed.
"What? What didbI do wrong?" Wisp demands. "Well, ya managed ta bring up the time I failed as a guardian an' friend." Fionn shoots back.
JJ finally spoke up after being silent for hours, "And it hurts like hell."
"Oh, sorry." Wisp says, floating away. "I should really learn to shut up."
"The worst pain is emotional, Wisp. Remember that before you speak," he says.
"Sorry, I don't understand human emotions all that well. So it's hard for me to judge what I say."
"What machine does?" He muttered. Sarah sat up, "Finny, do you know how much I love you?"
Fionn looks up at her and smiles. "Enough to staybwith me even when I was a wreck?" He replies, half jokingly.
"Not even close. I'll just say it spans timelines," She smiles.