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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Jörmungandr: 2/17/2017 2:00:47 AM
[i]One snap for the dying One click to end the day Another story with a mangled scene, it couldn't happen any other way -Natural Born Killer, Avenged Sevenfold [/i] [i]Bodies lined the halls. The walls looked as if they had been painted red beforehand. Only four people remained, three of which were the cause of this. They were all covered in blood, practically from head to toe. One was in some jet-black armor without a helmet. She has blood on her face, some of which had dried up and plastered her crimson hair to her face. Her eyes matched her hair and she had a truly demented look about her. The next was an Asari. She had no armor whatsoever. Instead, she wore a simple leather jacket and some form-fitting leather pants. She had some blood on her, but it was nothing compared to the other two. The last wore a silver-ish white set of armor. She had the look of a soldier about her, and carried more than enough weapons. Her appearance was not unlike the black-armored one. Her hair and eyes were the same color, but her hair was much longer. Her build also looked more athletic.[/i] "Sorry about the mess - truly, I am - but your men weren't exactly the best welcoming part." [i]The one in the black armor spoke up. Her tone matched that of someone who might've spilled some wine at a party.[/i] "[b][u]Wh-what do you want from me?[/u][/b]" [i]The final person was a man seemingly in his forties. He had short black hair and brown eyes. Her was wearing a white shirt - now stained red - and a tie He seemed to quaver in the presence of the trio.[/i] "You'll see." [i]The soldier grabbed his arm. The pressure she was putting on it was nothing short of painful. The black-armored one started walking, so the rest did too, dragging him along. They came to a door. It had a few security measures in place and looked as if it was guarding something important.[/i] "You have access to this, right?" "[b][u]Yes, but you also need the-[/u][/b]" "Got it right here." [i]She held up a keycard of sorts and a man's severed hand. A shiver ran up his spine at seeing this.[/i] "Alright, what's first?" "[b][u]Vocal identification.[/u][/b]" "Then do it." [i]The man said something. Soon, a green light happened.[/i] "Next?" "[b][u]Keycards.[/u][/b]" "Okay. On three. One. Two. Three." [i]They inserted and removed their keycards in unison. When the man turned back around, he was looking down the barrel of a gun.[/i] "[b][u]Wh-what are you doing? I've done everything you've asked.[/u][/b]" "Yes, and I thank you for that. But you couldn't possibly expect us to just let you walk, now could you?" "[u][b]Please, no! Besides, you still need my-[/b][/u]" [i]He was cut off by a gunshot that turned his head into a pile of mush.[/i] "I see the last thing. Scarlet, get his hand." [i]The soldier reached down, grabbed the dead man's arm, and severed his hand.[/i] "You know the drill. One, two, three!" [i]They slammed the two severed hands down on the palm-readers.[/i] [b][i]"Access Granted."[/i][/b] "Let's go." [i]The door opened. They were greeted with a large, sterile-white room. It contained many things. As they walked in, there were two glass cases in each side of the path they were meant to take. They contained some especially high-tech looking weapons. The black-armored one and the Asari didn't care about them at the moment but, ironically, Scarlet, the one with he best weapons, did. She slammed her arm through the glass (which was most likely bulletproof glass), causing it to shatter. She pulled the weapon out.[/i] "[u]Ooohhh, this looks fun.[/u]" [i]She jogged a little to catch up with the others. They eventually entered a room with many large monitors and a lot of high-tech looking shit. The one in the black armor walked up to one of said monitors.[/i] "Lycoris, give me the drive." [i]The Asari handed her something which she plugged into one of the machines. It, after a few moments, granted them access to everything. The one in the black armor approached on of the monitors and surfed through everything.[/i] "Let's see... Experimental weapon blueprints, cybernetics, the funds for this place... Oh, this looks interesting... Copies of an AI." [i]She dug deeper into the file before selecting something. A holographic projection of an AI appeared before them. After asking it a series of questions, she was looking very pleased.[/i] "Last thing: there's all kinds of turrets and dormant mechs in here. Can you control them?" "[b][i]Yes.[/i][/b]" "Wondeful. Are there more than just what we've seen?" "[b][i]Yes. They are in the sub-levels.[/i][/b]" "Wonderful." [i]She made a few more inputs before copying the entire file system to the drive. Once it was complete, she said:[/i] "Destroy it. All of it. We have what we came for." [i]They both nodded before systematically starting to destroy everything. However, upon making their exit, it seemed someone was in their way.[/i] [spoiler]Open. You are the person in their way. Fair warning though: should you attack, I will be using every one of them to their fullest ability. It won't be pretty.[/spoiler]

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