originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Em spins around rapidly and pistol whips whatever she sees behind her while also sweeping her leg.[/i]
"God damnit! You scared me!"
[spoiler]Then she'd likely get on well with Treyman. [/spoiler] [i]"No no, go right ahead," Treyman says as he slides the vodka across the table towards her, before leaning back into the chair. "I'm JT," the cowboy pipes up after taking a swig of his whiskey. "This ginger-ass -blam!- is Treyman." [/i]
"It's a pleasure to meet you two." [i]Em raises the vodka as a greeting of sorts before taking a large gulp of the liquid. She places it back down and slides it back to Treyman.[/i] "I needed that."
[i]"You're a vodka fan?" Treyman inquired with a chuckle, which followed his words. His tone was friendly, his accent was Canadian, and his posture was relaxed as he leaned onto the chair he sat on. [/I]
[i]Emma had a slight Canadian accent as well and smiles at Treyman with curiosity in her eyes.[/i] "Wait, are you Canadian? I recognize that accent." [i]She leans towards him a bit and looks him over before leaning back in her seat.[/i] "And yes, I do like my vodka."
[i]"That's right. Torontonian, born and raised, moved to Kitchener for college but enlisted with the army a year later." Treyman spoke with pride to his voice. He enlisted at the age of eighteen and worked his way up the ranks, reaching the title of General in the New Terran Republic; Only the Republic's president could legally order him around. [/i] [spoiler]Treyman was born on Earth, but in an alternate timeline, around the 2100's-2200's. Just so you aren't too confused with all this NTR stuff he tends to speak about. [/spoiler]
[i]Emma listens closely and nods.[/i] "Yeah? I was born in east Ontario. I went to the Frontier with the IMC because I wanted to see the new world, but...that kind of fell apart. I need something to drink."
[i]"What do you mean by 'Fell apart'?" Treyman asked, genuine interest arising in the voice of the soldier as he slid the vodka bottle towards Emma, and ordered another for himself via a passing barista. [/i]
[i]Emma gulps down most of the remaining bottle before answering.[/i] "IMC turned out to be really sh*tty and f*cked up so I joined the militia that fights against them. That's the extremely short version of the story. Ask me about the full story when I've either had more to drink or during my workout."
[i]"How -blam!-ed up?" [/i]
"Pretty f*cked up, but probably not the most f*cked up thing ever. It's just personal, you know? Can we move on to something more fun?"
[i]"Sure, sounds good. How old are you?" [/i]
"Don't you know not to ask a lady her age?" [i]She jokes and chuckles a bit.[/i] "I'm twenty seven. You?"
[i]Treyman: "Exact same, damn." [/i] [spoiler]By the way, none of this is on-the-spot shit for Treyman. These two are freakishly similar lmfao. [/spoiler]
[i]Em shrugs and raises her bottle.[/i] "To our dying youth." [i]She laughs before finishing the bottle.[/i]
[i]"Aye, and to drinking in general," Treyman merrily said, as he grabbed a vodka from a waitress and took a swig. JT: "So what kind of shit do you do in your free time?" [/i]
"Free time? I'm decent with a yo-yo, I guess. I don't normally have free time that's not taken up by going to the bar and drinking with other pilots and military personnel."
[i]JT: "Raging alcoholism for the win." Treyman: "If you had half as many chromosomes as you did bottles of whiskey, then maybe you could tell me what two plus two is." JT: "...You say to a theoretical surgeon." Jacqui: "What is theoretical surgery?" JT: "The title on my theoretical degree." Treyman:" Smartass. Anyways, you spend a lot of time drinking, Emma?" [/i]
[i]She shrugs and gets a new bottle from a passing worker before taking a sip.[/i] "At least once a week I wake up in someone else's bed with little memory of how or why. Does that answer your question?"
[i]Treyman: "Yeah." JT: "Sound familiar, Jackery?" Treyman: "Dude what the -blam!-? Is Jackery a name?" JT: "-blam!- if I know." [/i]
[i]Emma laughs a bit at their back and forth while gulping down more vodka than she probably should.[/i] "Jackery? Sounds like a stupid name."
[i]JT: "Yeah, but so is Jack here." Treyman: "Your first name is specimen JT890M, hypocrite." JT: "I prefer the term 'Sparklecünt." Treyman: "There's probably a joke there but I'll leave it be." [/i]
"Sparklecünt?" [i]She laughs and takes another swig.[/i] "Where the hell is that from? Did your mother call you that?...Are you in the closet about something?" [i]She jokes.[/i]
[i]JT: "Yeah, your cousin doesn't like being publicly ravaged. Issue, or would you prefer to join in?" The Marshal jokingly retorted. [/i]
"Join in, fuk boy. I don't have a cousin though. No family in fact." [i]She keeps downing vodka.[/i]
[i]JT: "Finally someone I can -blam!-ing relate to in this goddamned space of AIDS we call a bar!" Treyman: "How don't you have family, if you don't mind me asking?" [/i]