I have some problems with my microphone on my headset.
Somehow, but headsets broke at the same time with both controllers.
I have 2 mics and 2 controllers. The first mic broke so I went and got the other one, and a minute later the other one stopped as well. I tried with the other controller but that didnt work as well. Neither controllers require an update. The speaker still works on it.
Is this a known issue? Or are both controllers/headsets broken?
hydrogen bomb
bau bau - old
Try xbox.com. [spoiler]The luckiest seven you will ever meet[/spoiler] -
Just get earphones with speakers. Like ones you would use for your phone. They work as well not to mention cheaper.
I think you can plug some headphones in that bitch but I dunno. Last time I tried all I heard was a high pitched whine. I wasn't exactly in a party but it occurred to me one day I might as well try. My current mic is shit and my friends never believe me when I say it is randomly choosing not to work lol.
I went through 2 MS headsets, both had the same fault - the mic just stopped working one day. Bought myself a set of Turtle Beach XO1s. Had PX12s on the 360 that kept working fine even after both my kids kicked the shit out of them. XO1s seem to be made from the same mould. 👍
Don't buy the standard mics, they suck. I invited a dude to my party last night and he couldn't hear me and I thought my Astro A40s broke. I was in a panic trying every audio cord. I was so devastated. Invited another guy to check to see if it was broken. Turned out the first guys mic was broken but he had me in a panic.
Cut it in half with a woodcutting axe and that should fix it.
Do you have one of those adaptors for the controller for your mic to plug into?
Let it soak overnight in wet rice
If you've had any kind of moisture problems in or near the room you store your remotes in, look at your port or the plug for the mic, and check them both to make sure that moisture buildup isn't causing problems. Actually, if you've had any kind of liquid in proximity to them at all I'd check just to be safe.
Have you tried Xbox.com?
Do your mics connect with one of those adapters that plug into the controllers, with the volume and mute buttons on them?