Me and many of my friends have played destiny from day one, non stop until this week, however after this most recent patch we threw in the towel, we've been holding on for ages but have fully given up after seeing trials this weekend.
No lands no flinch no problem
Sidearms retaining special...
Fusions never being looked at again :(
Archetypes kinda but not useful eg scouts rifles
Supers being far too unbalanced, all hunters go tether, golden gun is useless. Warlocks now use sticky nades daw too often and similar with Titans.
Matchmaking consistently finish poor connections, errors codes mid trials matches consistently etc.
Ruined special ammo limiting all forms of options.
Too many exotics considered 'useless'
More primaries being used
Some supers are balanced eg striker, void walker
Fun maps
Good community
Good pve (however limited)
It's sad to see after many thousands of hours playing the game many of my friends have packed it in or limited how much they play it. Especially out of frustration.
I miss year one destiny excluding thorn and firebolts. I'm just wondering if anyone agrees with any of the points I've put across, especially those who play a lot of trials of osiris.
Hasn't been three years.