(yes this is my opinion, no need to crucify me)
Here is what i see should be changed in the current meta. sidearms should not be able to keep all of their ammuntion, or partially revert the special ammo loss on death (not both, it would drop sidearm usage to before the recent hotfix).
primary weapons are being used more often, which is a good thing. but i still think that some weapons should be buffed. i think the pulse rifles are in a really good place atm, except for the nirwens types (buff bodyshot damage slightly to give a more consistent 3 burst, making it akin to the VOC type scout rifles)
the medium rof hand cannons are pretty meta right now, overshadowing the other 2 hc types. and something should be done about them, though idk what lol (any suggestions?).
The autos are in a weird spot ATM (people are encouraged to use them with the recent buff, but they might fall off the map once the meta settles) so saying anything right now would be too soon
scouts have been consistant for friggin years, and nothing should really be done about them, though i dont like that the highest rof types are almost completly absent for the sheer lack of accessibility
other than that, i think perks should be buffed to compete with top tiered ones, but the list is far too big to mention by name (if the focus fire perk wasn't fixed, then it should, to make it a viable option) Feedback its greatly appreciated and encouraged, plz tell me what you think.
Hand cannons in general have been metas for too damn long!