Why do you continue to allow titan skating? Nerfing juggernaut and shotguns isn't enough. Double the cooldown again and actually stop titan skating. One class shouldn't get such a massive advantage on movement over the others. Especially with blink destroyed now.
Maybe you should remove radar for using twilight garrisons perk as well.
Edit: Obviously plenty of butthurt titans with garrison equipped, 95% of the negative replies
Titan skating isn't just spamming the x button on your controller. Most of the titans I know that can titan skate either bought a $200 scuf controller, learned how to play claw, or completely change their controlls just to titan skate. Try something out before you start saying it needs a nerf.
What could they do to lift without destroying it, bungie isn't know for subtlety. Twilight isn't even the best mobility exotic, also whatever change happens needs to happen to shadestep. Btw a hunter can still outjuke, just not in a straight line and this never a problem year one. Enough nerfs before this game actually dies, have you even considered some sort of buffs for the other classes.
Are you such a crybaby?
Bungie please nerf walking in tower, other people's characters move faster then mine!
It's actually 100% of the replies because you're obviously salty that you get beat by a pretty weak PvP exotic. TG is almost exclusively a PvE piece. Getting beat because of TG only makes you the scrub. Also you're not trending, nor anywhere close to it. Even if you get 1000 replies, you need upvotes - the real indicator of how great (or in your case, absolutely terrible and cartoonishly salty) an idea is.
If we nerf twilight we will have to nerf shadestep too.
That would be because your suggestion is stupid. Hasn't enough been ruined because of you children?
Code of Conduct - old
Then nerf shadestep too oh and blink needs another nerf too so does smoke so do throwing knives and trip mines [spoiler]git gud scrub [/spoiler] -
Definitely not just reported for spam
I f'ing hate people who call for nerfs
Edited by BLWigglyAkA: 2/21/2017 7:14:48 PMare you really complaining about the movement of the suckiest class in the game ? Titans are pure bull, they suck, and a waste of resources for a great game. damn they movement, I thrive on killing titans. They can run as fast as they want but im going to catch they sorry ass, and beat the brakes off them suck as titans , weak ass titans, sorry ass titans, waste of time and resource, trash ass titans -blam!- TITANs sorry mother-blam!-ers! HUNTERS, ALL DAY LOOOOONG !!!
Cry somewhere else child
Stfu, do U also want to nerf shadestep, twilight is fine and u can use shoulder charge anyway
Spamming is doing nothing for your cause. TG was already nerfed. You used to be able to evade twice in succession.
Bump bump and away!
Found the warlock
Don't stop the bumps
Bump bump bump it up
Bump bump bippity bump
Shameful self bump
Edited by SpakulatorX: 2/21/2017 1:27:08 PMShameless self bump