Hello everyone.
I figured I would post this real quick before folks wonder where the post is & flood my Private message box.
I am out of town this week on some personal business.
I don't have access to Destiny, nor a computer/tablet; just the phone apps & sadly they can be inconsistent.
So I can't do the Armsday post this week.
I will be back next week with another most likely disappointing edition of Ahh! its Armsday.
But hey, feel free to post your rolls & converse amongst yourselves.
Have a good week & I see you all next week!
Major Edit:
*looks at all the posts & Private Messages. Edits title.*
Awesome to see the day we love to hate is as alive as ever!
Props to Haunter & Kroppin for picking up my slack.
I have jet lag so I don't trust my judgement atm. I will try to make some PVE recommendations off of whatever has been posted tomorrow. No promises though.
Much to my own surprise we have a hidden cult following for the Foundry ads.
So the very least I will do is share this week's ads...
This week's Armsday is brought to you by...
"[i]Coming Soon from Omolon to you!
The Omolon Kettle-Wettle.
With this State of the Art mod you can make any Omolon weapon squirt a highly concentrated shot of scalding hot viscous fluid.
Hot enough to burn through the hull of a Fallen Ketch, & the hide of even the most angsty Cabal.
(Warning: Maycausepeopletoaskquestions)
Omolon! Dragging you kicking & screaming into an increasingly politically incorrect future."[/i]
[i]"This is Commander Zavala. Today I am here to tell you that whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into war with these low, low, prices. So lets get to work on buying out all these fine High Quality Hakke Weapons. Go to your nearest Hakke dealer & tell them that Commander Zavala sent you & receive a Eignub Voucher good for 1 randomly chosen Hakke weapon with its price slashed lowered than a Truth launcher's ammo capacity.
Hakke! It only takes one round, to take them down!"[/i]
[i]"Reinforced. Unnerfed. Charged. Lubricated. Bountiful. SUROS."[/i]
Right aerikx isn't here this week but I am :) Hopefully he'll edit his post with pve recommendations. Let's get armsday rolling: [b][u]Hakke[/u][/b] [b]Zarinaea-D[/b] Roll 1 GB Iron / LD Watchdog Surrounded Focused Fire Snapshot / Hand Loaded / Smallbore Roll 2 SC Holo / LD Watchdog Crowd Control Rangefinder Single Point Sling / Speed Reload / Braced Frame Roll 3 GB Iron / LC Ranged Hot Swap Glass Half Full Single Point Sling / Hand Loaded / Smallbore Recommendation: Roll 2, stability + range + extra damage, really nice roll [b]Arminius-D[/b] Roll 1 SC Holo / LD Watchdog Surrounded Spray and Play Snapshot / Fitted Stock / Smallbore Roll 2 GB Iron / LC Ranged Partial Refund Focused Fire Single Point Sling / Speed Reload /Smallbore Roll 3 SC Holo / SD Thermal Last Resort Spray and Play Snapshot / Speed Reload / Smallbore Recommendation: None, no counterbalance or braced frame Take roll 2 if you hate the package by now [u][b]Suros[/b][/u] [b]Ari-41[/b] Roll 1 SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-37 Hammer Forged / Casket Mag Snapshot / Reinforce Barrel Icarus Roll 2 SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-37 High Caliber Rounds / Oiled Frame Single Point Sling / Smallbore Feeding Frenzy Roll 3 SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-37 Fitted Stock / Feather Mag Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel Hip Fire Recommendation: Roll 2 is pretty nice, high cal, feeding frenzy and smallbore are all great together. [b]Dis-43[/b] Roll 1 SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 Hammer Forged / Feather Mag Icarus Snapshot / Smallbore Roll 2 SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 Perfect Balance / Appended Magazine Luck in the Chamber Single Point Sling / Hand-Laid Stock Roll 3 SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 Perfect Balance / Feather Mag Spray and Play Snapshot / Hand-Laid Stock Recommendation: There are some max stability rolls here but the main perks on them aren't great (Spray and play/litc aren't ideal on scouts unless you often empty the entire mag before reloading), if you want max stability it's there but I'd wait on full auto or some other good perk. Take roll 2 if you're tired of it. [b]Pdx-45[/b] Roll 1 SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 Fitted Stock / Appended Magazine Rangefinder Speed Reload / Smallbore Roll 2 SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 High Caliber Rounds / Feather Mag Rodeo Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel Roll 3 SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 Hammer Forged / Appended Mag Outlaw Speed Reload / Hand-Laid Stock Recommendation: The pdx can have better rolls, roll 1 is decent but the fact that the 45 hasn't been sold since roi released means I'd wait on a better one. [b][u]Omolon[/u][/b] [b]Thesan FR4[/b] Roll 1 Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 Hot Swap Oiled Frame / Skip Rounds Underdog / Danger Close Roll 2 Candle IS2 / Flash HS4 Hot Swap Braced Frame / Quickdraw Unflinching / Danger Close Roll 3 Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 Replenish Hand-laid Stock / Enhanced Battery Underdog / Danger Close Recommendation: Roll 2, braced + hot swap