"Guardians are reanimated corpses by the Light," Delphi explained, "They don't have parents. So may things that would affect humans, like drugs and alcohol, don't affect them. But for some reason, it does on the Grey twins."
"My question stands. Why doesn't it?"
"That's what none of us can figure out. I will admit, reviving a Grey twin takes longer and more effort," Delphi continued. "It's like they're more human than other guardians," Puma said. [spoiler]Think. Think. What did Sarah tell Nathaniel on their only date.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Literally nothing. They talked about food, some guy named Mark, than Mia showed up and than Splash grew her wings [/spoiler]
[spoiler]That isn't all... Examine closer[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I still don't see anything boss ;-;[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Mia said it, but... https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/1677784/221626214/0/0/1 [/spoiler]
[spoiler]No idea how, but it happened.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Gooood [/spoiler] "Refugee and a Titan...." [b]Nathaniel seemed lost in thought [/b]
"What?" Chase asked. Mia chucked a throwing knife at Blake's forehead.
[b]Nathaniel bolted upwards, staring at Mia [/b]
"Blake'll be fine..." She said.
"What the shit Mia?"
"Gotta test the knive somehow." Blake pulled the knife out of his helmet, then took off the helmet. "Mia, you're such an ass."
"Anyways, as I was saying. I think I know why you're open to drugs."
"Yes, yes. Go on."
"One of your parents was a refugee. You're half human. Normal human."
"I knew that. My mom, she's been searching for me and Sarah for years. She's human," Mia said. Chase had took off his helmet, and his jaw had dropped down to the floor. Blake's eyes looked like they were too big for his eye sockets. And he was wearing glasses.
"You guys are shocked about it? Really?"
"We had no idea! They never told us this stuff!" Blake said. Footsteps echoed near them. Mia knocked a void anchor, Blake loaded his shotgun, Chase aimed his Scout Rifle at the door.
[b]Nathaniel aimed a Verpine Blaster rifle at the door [/b]
In it was a robed figure cradling... a dead Ghost? "Funny, we were just talking 'bout you, sis," Mia said. "No time for puns, Mia. I need help," She requested.
"Sarah..." [b]Nathaniel lowered his blaster rifle, slinging it over his back [/b]
Mia shot Blake with the void anchor. Soon, Flame was floating above the Titan's body. Chase put his Scout Rifle on his back, "Long time, no see." "Anyway.... I see that he's incapacitated..." She sighed. Sarah looked at the dead Ghost in her hands.