I'm a year 1 player and in pve I've done almost everything. I was very occasionally playing pvp however since December I decided that I really wanted to get better in pvp. I am a very committed person and I take quite seriously the goal of improving. I'm playing only pvp now, every day, at least 2 hours. I watch lots of videos about strategies and tips and I know that I have to have realistic expectations.
Despite my best efforts I feel very frustrated and disappointed. In almost 3 months my kd has improved only from 0.72 to 0.73. I feel like I am constantly massacred in the crucible by players a lot more experienced than me and that makes me sad because the match-making should be skill based and I don't understand why I end up with people so above my level.
Trials of osiris is literally out of discussion. It is over crowded by professionals (which literally do that for money) and I feel like I'm just feeding easy kills for them without learning anything at all.
As many pro player suggest in their videos I'm trying to play a lot of Rumble to improve my gun skills and be able to compete in 1v1 engagements. Well every time I play I normally lose very bad the first 3-4 matches and only after the match making breaks those teams 4 times I can finally find more "affordable" players at a level I can compete and learn. The problem is that it happens over & over every day. So before I can enjoy a pvp match it takes roughly 1 hour of hard defeats every day which is tedious, annoying and it really challenges my patience.
I don't understand, I can do all the hard raids easily so I'm not a newbie in this game but in pvp either I am so so unbelievably terrible... or the level of pvp players out there is tremendously high ....or the skill-based match making literally fails all the time to put me with the right players and it take time to re-understand it every day.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there anything else I'm missing and that I should do to improve?
A lot of really good advice here. Your title says it all tho, your frustrated. No one will advance or do great if you lose concentration. Ive played online since counterstrike days and one thing i can tell you is its all in your mind. If you can do good with one weapon than grab another and do the same but then go back to the first and suck its all in your mind. For me i have to zen out if i go online. Someone on here sometime ago gave some good advice, go warm up on a strike or patrol before you jump in. I tried it and it helps loosen me up. Also do you even know what kind of player you are, find that weapon that clicks for you be it scouts or handcannons. But again the help posted should help you immensely.