originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]I can understand that your a bit mad and fustrated but you got to understand Im an ex-Viking and this dosent come easy to me![/i]
[b]She looked at the ground then sat on a bench[/b]
[i]Im..Im sorry Jack I didnt mean to shout its just all of this is so new to someone such as me. Hope you can forgive me[/i]
"Stand up. No reason for you to be sitting down. Come on." [b]He extended his hand, offering it to her [/b]
Edited by Duolingo, Kell of Spanish: 2/26/2017 10:33:31 PM[b]She Grabbed hold of his hand and lifted herself back on her feet[/b] [i]Listen why dont you head back to your cabin for some rest I think I will too[/i] [b]She knew this wasnt entierely true[/b]
"Are you sure? We've only just started."
[i]Yea. Having to adjust is making me extremely sleepy. Give it time and I should be able to stay awake long enough[/i]
"Okay...." [b]Jack smiled at her, his face wrinkling up as it did so. He put on his helmet and started towards the ship [/b]
[b]Haylee waited till jack had got out of hearing range and then picked up the pistol he had given her.. reloaded it and aimed down sight[/b] [i]God dammit.. Screw it lets go![/i] [b]She hit every target dead on and hit the last one by throwing her knife at it through this she heard footsteps as if someone was watching her but she decides to ignore it[/b] [i]I have to Keep going, I have to get better[/i] [b]And so she kept going until it was time to shut the it all down. Ignoring the footsteps as she practiced[/b]
[b]Jack erupted from the forest, and Looked at Haylee. He had heard the gunshots and came quick as he could [/b]
[b]She jumped[/b] [i]Umm...yes? What is it?[/i]
"I heard the gunshots... I was worried about you." [b]He looked to the targets[/b] "You hit them..."
[i]Yes. Yes I did[/i] [b]She went to grab her knife from the target.[/b] [i]I pushed myself to get better now I can hit a target without looking.[/i] [b]She pointed her gun and fired and the bullet hit a target no doubt[/b]
"How did you manage so quickly?!"
[i]Jack.. When I was a valkyrie anything to do with weapons came as second nature and we learnt quickly so training me does not take long[/i]
"Huh..." [b]He laughed slightly [/b] "I swear you get hotter by the second."
[i]Is that so? Or is it the fact Im just a warrior badass with the looks of a supermodel hmm?[/i] [b]She laughed and smiled at Jack[/b] [i]And you get sweeter everytime.[/i] [b]She kissed him on the cheek and threw him his helmet[/b]
[b]He caught it, smiling. [/b] "I think it's time for something. A suprise. Get down on one knee."
[i]Ok...[/i] [b]She got down on one Knee[/b]
[b]He took out a strange knife and threw it into the ground. It stuck into the ground, towards her.[/b] "By the power invested in me, by Sarah Briggs and my rank. I deem you, Haylee 'Valkyrie' Forest, an honourary Pilot of the Frontier Militia."
[i]Thank you, Pilot Jack Cooper, I will not let you down[/i] [b]She smiled[/b] [i]Well If you fall over then I'll laugh a little but thats different[/i]
"Oh yeah of course. That makes sense." [b]He laughed a bit [/b]
[i]So, Partner, What's next?[/i]
"Actually..." [b]He sighed, sounding almost sad [/b] "Now that you're a pilot, you have the opportunity to leave this sector. You can go to Frontlines of our war. Or you could stay here. It's your choice."
[i]no matter what I promised to stick by you. So wherever you go, I go[/i] [b]She smiled with bravery and loyalty in her eyes[/b]
"Good! We'll be staying here mostly. Won't be moving to much. Just waiting for a call."
Edited by Duolingo, Kell of Spanish: 2/27/2017 12:13:22 AM[i]Sounds good to me, I have something to show you[/i] [b]She led Jack to her room where she open'd a black and gold case, Inside was her old Valkyrie Helmet she wore as a Valkyrie[/b] [i]Here... I want you to take this jack so if I was to ever die in battle... this will remind you I died fighting for the militia.. and also you[/i]
"I couldn't take it... It's yours."