originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Yes. Yes I did[/i]
[b]She went to grab her knife from the target.[/b]
[i]I pushed myself to get better now I can hit a target without looking.[/i]
[b]She pointed her gun and fired and the bullet hit a target no doubt[/b]
"How did you manage so quickly?!"
[i]Jack.. When I was a valkyrie anything to do with weapons came as second nature and we learnt quickly so training me does not take long[/i]
"Huh..." [b]He laughed slightly [/b] "I swear you get hotter by the second."
[i]Is that so? Or is it the fact Im just a warrior badass with the looks of a supermodel hmm?[/i] [b]She laughed and smiled at Jack[/b] [i]And you get sweeter everytime.[/i] [b]She kissed him on the cheek and threw him his helmet[/b]
[b]He caught it, smiling. [/b] "I think it's time for something. A suprise. Get down on one knee."
[i]Ok...[/i] [b]She got down on one Knee[/b]
[b]He took out a strange knife and threw it into the ground. It stuck into the ground, towards her.[/b] "By the power invested in me, by Sarah Briggs and my rank. I deem you, Haylee 'Valkyrie' Forest, an honourary Pilot of the Frontier Militia."
[i]Thank you, Pilot Jack Cooper, I will not let you down[/i] [b]She smiled[/b] [i]Well If you fall over then I'll laugh a little but thats different[/i]
"Oh yeah of course. That makes sense." [b]He laughed a bit [/b]
[i]So, Partner, What's next?[/i]
"Actually..." [b]He sighed, sounding almost sad [/b] "Now that you're a pilot, you have the opportunity to leave this sector. You can go to Frontlines of our war. Or you could stay here. It's your choice."
[i]no matter what I promised to stick by you. So wherever you go, I go[/i] [b]She smiled with bravery and loyalty in her eyes[/b]
"Good! We'll be staying here mostly. Won't be moving to much. Just waiting for a call."
Edited by Duolingo, Kell of Spanish: 2/27/2017 12:13:22 AM[i]Sounds good to me, I have something to show you[/i] [b]She led Jack to her room where she open'd a black and gold case, Inside was her old Valkyrie Helmet she wore as a Valkyrie[/b] [i]Here... I want you to take this jack so if I was to ever die in battle... this will remind you I died fighting for the militia.. and also you[/i]
"I couldn't take it... It's yours."
[i]Yes.. but it was from an old life and the only existing memory I fully own.. and I want the closest person in my life to have it[/i]
"Thank you... Truly. I know what this must mean to you."
[i]It means a lot to me.. and thats why I trust you to keep it safe.. [/i] [b]She hugged jack and smiled[/b]
[b]He smiled as he hugged her back, looking at the helmet [/b]
[i]So since we are going to be here for a while what do you want to do?[/i]
"Honestly? I have no clue." [b]He laughed again [/b]
[i]Im going to read some books. I brought a load of my favourites with me so might aswell read some[/i]
"Yeah, you do that. I'll see what I can do to find some work or something."