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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
2/27/2017 8:06:53 PM
The engineer nodded, before Hackett peered in. "Your plan is to go and infiltrate the dreadnought. You either have two choices; you can take control of the dreadnought and destroy the remaining forces here, or you can head down to its FTL core, plant enough explosives in there, and redirect it to a gas giant such as Thelum. Then, we'll detonate it." Hackett summarized to the Invictus crew. "Valeria and the soldiers I have her will search for any information on the upper decks of the ship, while Merrick and his crew will help break its outer defenses, so that we can send reinforcements in if necessary. You will have quite the number of allies on your side. Good luck." He replied, before leaving. The Alliance engineer went back into the pod, as three extra Alliance troops followed them in...including an N7 Slayer. "All preparations are done for this pod. Do you guys need any refreshments before I lock the hatch?" He asks in an Irish or Scottish accent.

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  • [b]Jack looked down at the body, completely frozen [/b] Iseph: "I believe that's the cue." [b]He interfaced with the control panel, changing the ships trajectory to go around the planet instead of hitting it Dead on [/b]

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  • The dreadnought, although almost powerless, starting moving within orbit of Demeter, floating itself around the planet. "Pilot, we have a Kodiak waiting for you in he hangar when your ready to leave." An Alliance soldier replied over comms. "I....I think we should leave him be." Riley had somehow choked out, beginning to go into tears as Val comforted him. The alarms had been blaring outside, but no other sound was heard.

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  • Jack: "I-i-i-i tried...." Iseph: "Pilot Cooper, there's nothing you could have done" Jack: "I...." [b]He took a deep, shaky breath as he left the bridge [/b]

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  • They followed, Alliance soldiers heading straight for the hangar. Faintly, they could see an injured Cryark and Merrick with a broken wrist being loaded onto two medical Kodiaks. Silsia came by with 2 other Alliance medics, all of them search for any serious injuries. "What happened up there?" Silsia asked, checking Jack for any injuries. "Don't ask about it. Just...let him be." Val replied. The asari nodded, escorting them back to the shuttle to send them back to Hackett's ship.

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  • [b]The Invictus crew stopped at the hangar, talking amongst themselves when one of them called Riley over [/b] Ghost: "Hey, It's Riley right?"

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  • "Yeah! Why you ask?" She replied, walking over to them. Her tears hadn't exactly stopped, as hinted by her voice, but they were at least somewhat slowing down.

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  • Ghost: "Sorry for bothering you, but does this place have an armory?"

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  • She checks her Omni-tool. "Yeah, about 2 or so doors down." She says, pointing to a door near them.

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  • Ghost: "Thanks." [b]The Invictus crew moved towards the armory[/b]

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  • She nods. "I'll delay the Kodiak until you guys are ready." As they walk by the bloodied hallways, they saw corpses of Alliance and Cerberus soldiers of varying classes and types. The armory had a dead engineer at the door, bullets riddled across his body.

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  • Noble: "This place place is a warzone...." Serendipity: "At the end of the day, we've seen worse worse than this." [b]The crew entered the armory, looking around it [/b]

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  • *Entering the room, many weapons were on the floor or up on their shelves. Cerberus Mattocks and Harrier Assault Rifles. A few M-27 Katanas. Actual Phantom Katanas. A M-920 Cain mini-nuke launcher laid on the floor, near a dead Cerberus recruit. Multiple M-8 Avengers, M-5 Phalanxes, and M-15 Vindicators laid next to the dead corpses of their operatives. The faint sound of light breathing was heard.*

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  • [b]Ghost raised his hand blaster, which looked like a mix between a DL-44 and an E-11 [/b] [spoiler]Im very out of date with the star wars weaponry so I have No idea what it actually is :/[/spoiler] [b]Serendipity did the same, raised her Carnifex hand gun as the two searched for the source of the sound [/b]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 3/1/2017 5:38:29 PM
    [spoiler]E-11 is similiar to an assault rifle, DH-17 is a blaster pistol, I believe. Also, what do you think of that choice thing I had going? First time I actually wrote like that.[/spoiler] The sound had came from the far wall, where a Nemesis was seemingly trying to pull up her Widow Sniper Rifle to fire at one of the two. Her left arm seemed limp, and she happened to be staying on top of a bloodpool. She looked up at them, a crack in her helmet revealing a female human.

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  • [spoiler]The more you know! Can you tell what kind of blaster this is? [/spoiler] [b]Ghost quickly approached, kicking the blaster out of the woman's hand and sending it flying. He raised his blaster at her head [/b] Ghost: "How the hell did you live?"

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  • [spoiler] Doesn't look like anything I've seen from us Star Wars, but it looks similar to the [url=]Cestra[/url] from Warframe. [/spoiler] "They told me to hide here while they dealt with the I did." The Nemesis spat out, a bit of blood landing on Ghost's armor. "Even if you kill me, you've achieved nothing."

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  • [spoiler]Huh... Interesting [/spoiler] Ghost: "Riley come in please." [b]He said over the comms, his gun leveled at the woman's head [/b]

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  • Riley walks in, holstering her M-25 Hornet SMG. "What do you need, Ghost?" She asks, walking in and observing some of the dead bodies.

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  • Ghost: "We found a survivor. Or a potential one." [b]He nodded towards the woman [/b]

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  • She looks over to the Nemesis, before taking out some sort of syringe and stabbed it in the Nemesis's limp arm, before she is knocked unconsciousness. "One of our undercover operatives brought some of these to the Alliance. Former member of the Dojo; she seems like a good kid. I placed her into an unconcious state; should keep her like that for a few hours. Come on; we need to go. Life support's gonna be out in about an hour."

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  • Ghost: "What about her? We gonna drag her to the ship?"

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  • She drags her body to pick up on her shoulders. "She's light; I'll deal with her. Brought fake Shep with us too." She replied walking out the door.

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  • Ghost: "Grab what you can. We're moving out." [b]Each of the members grabbed at least two, maybe three weapons each and the crew headed towards the evac ship [/b]

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  • [spoiler]Just gonna timeskip here...[/spoiler] [i](2 hours later, through relay travel...)[/i] "Admiral, all remaining forces will be at Tatakai in T-minus 6 hours." The woman, which was Hackett's secretary, replied, as she walked away, leaving the Invictus crew, Val, Riley, and Silsia. "Good. Thanks to all of you, the colony has been saved and casualties had landed in the hundreds. It's a shame that Milano died, and now that we're aware of Cerberus agents across the galaxy, we'll have to watch our backs more. However, with Maya Brooks discovered as the leader of Cerberus...we may at least be able to be prepared for Cerberus's next attack. We'll be above Tatakai within 6 hours; Riley, you've been reassigned to join Lieutenant Hong and help her and the Deimos crew at any time you need to. We'll have the 12th fleet join above the Dojo's orbit within the week; and finally, we have the turians and quarians ready to assist with their efforts. Expect Admiral Koris and Primarch Victus to visit Tatakai within the next month or so. Dismissed." Hackett explained.

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  • Noble: "Understood admiral. We'll set up a greeting party."

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