originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Well, I guess I owe you a drink now huh?[/i]
[b]She looked at the little training ring behind him[/b]
[i]Hold on I wanna quickly mess around[/i]
[b]She jumped in the ring and started kicking every enemies ass. She snapped necks broke bones and even ripped people apart. The last enemy she decided it would be fun to phase into him and blow him up from the inside[/b]
[i]Sorry I get bored sooo.. anyway I owe you that drink[/i]
[i]"You know what, I should hold that off for a bit. Maybe soon though. So, what's next mate?" [/i]
[i]My job is done, My boyfriend will take it from here[/i] [b]She let Jack take over[/b]
[i]JT waits for Jack. [/i] [spoiler]ROYAL GET IN 'ERE. [/spoiler]
[b]Jack stood straight up from the wall he was leaning on [/b] "Alright. Why don't we cover the basics. What can you do?"
[i]"Give me a job and I'll do it."[/i]
"I mean regarding capabilities. I'm guessing Nano Droids with the enemy." [b]Jack walked over, knocking on JT's chest. Wait, knocking? [/b] "Super strength, speed. Enhanced accuracy"
[i]"...More or less yeah. I've got other tricks, but those're staying hidden." [/i]
"Understandable. You ran the course, though I'd like to see you shoot."
[i]"Give me a target." [/i]
"This knife!" [b]Jack spun around, and threw a knife into the air, letting it fly [/b]
[i]JT grabbed his revolver, drew it, and shot the knife out of the sky. [/i]
"Huh. Your aim is true. Do you have a flat rate?"
[i]"Rarely miss a bullet."[/i]
"My question stands. What's the minimum you go for?"
[i]"I don't track my damn shot stats, I just point and shoot." [/i]
[b]Jack sighed [/b] "I'm talking about money. What's the minimum wage you go for?"
[i]"I ask for three things; A few thousand dollars, useful gear, and some ass. Supply me with at least two and I'll do anything." [/i]
"Ass...? Yeah I'll get you the first two. Put some cash in your pocket. We have a way of regenerating grenades while in combat, we could swing that tech your way."
[i]"Can't afford a hooker eh? Alright. So, anything else you need?" [/i]
"That'll be all. We'll contact you whenever you're needed for a mission."
[i]"Alright, send me home." [/i]
"You already are." [b]And so, JT found himself back in the dojo, or wherever he lived [/b]