[url=https://www.roblox.com/develop]Build your own game[/url]
Give yourself 100 weapons with different perks and use the Magic Balance button that you think Bungie is missing.
Once you've done that you'll have a little more credibility to tell Bungie how they're doing things wrong.
Until then...<Enter mundane and slightly insulting activity here>
Edited by Dang lmao: 3/1/2017 6:39:24 PMI'm sorry but acting like people in the community couldn't balance better than bungie is silly, or make the game better in general, not even just balance. Why make a thread like this ? Seriously, if the lead developer of this game says no more elemental primaries and some how Zhalo slips through as an Arc primary, it doesn't take much to know bungie has no idea what's going on anymore. There's been almost 3 years now of feedback for bungie through b.net, destiny subreddits, youtube videos, streamers, and multiple other 3rd party sources. Through every single sandbox patch, through every meta. Yet some how they go and completely break weapons that don't need to be broken. Clever dragon archetype ? Didn't need the extra frame added, makes it have essentially no point in using over hawksaw archetype. The only problem with that weapon was HCR. Thorn ? The gun is completely destroyed and later they decide to introduce an artifact that reduces DoT. What sense does that make ? They made it to where special ammo is lost upon death, yet completely avoids sidearms and just plays it off like it wasn't going to be an issue and pushes the patch out anyways. Health regen perks got "broken" because they forced this patch out and claimed they wanted to see how we would react to that change and then they don't even revert the health regen to full strength ? C'mon dude, don't play naive. Creating balance is NOT rocket science. Sure, destiny has much more variables and the diverse options of loadouts makes things harder. That doesn't mean shit couldn't be better than the shitfest we have now. They're taking a naturally unbalanced and faster paced fps and trying to dumb it down to Halo. If I wanted to play Halo, I would. I'd much rather see destiny as a diverse fps rather than something that already exists. I've never had a game feel like destiny USED to. This game isn't meant to be competitive. This game isn't meant to be a 1:1 balance.