[url=https://www.roblox.com/develop]Build your own game[/url]
Give yourself 100 weapons with different perks and use the Magic Balance button that you think Bungie is missing.
Once you've done that you'll have a little more credibility to tell Bungie how they're doing things wrong.
Until then...<Enter mundane and slightly insulting activity here>
You have unintentionally cut right to the heart of the balance problem - there are too many guns. Destiny doesn't have a hundred guns - it's hundreds. At what point does it become an unmanageable task? Think about it... 1. Hand cannons 2. Scouts 3. Auto rifles 4. Pulse rifles 5. Shotguns 6. Fusions 7. Snipers 8. Sidearms We'll leave heavy out of this for the moment... So there you go, eight categories of guns. Each of these categories can be split into three sub-categories, meaning there are at least 24 individual guns from the jump. But how many overlapping guns with pretty much the same behavior as the base 24 gun types? According to Bungie.net armory, 876 individual weapons (does include heavy). Well, that's silly. You can't make them all viable. You can't make them all work together. You can't. Well... actually you can, but only by making them all so nondescript that any distinction is meaningless. Bungie knows they cannot balance all those weapons, try though they might to render them all dull beyond measure, so they instead give us a rotating meta, so we'll be forced to use the next lackluster gun AND they can further weaken the gun previously held in prominence. It's genius, really. They can continuously lower the power of the game AND get players to beg them to do it. Beautiful.