originally posted in:The New Dojo
"This is a tad overkill... Ya do know I can just transmat back, right?"
"Don't care..." She muttered.
He chuckles lightly, his eyes closing.
[spoiler]Timeskip[/spoiler] After hours of flying, Sarah landed on a mountaintop, far away from the Dojo. She sat down, exhausted.
"Ya know you could have just transmatted... Right?" Fionn asks, half asleep.
"Shhh," She hushed him, "These aren't the Dojo Mountains." She starts sets up a small campsite.
He sits up, pulling his cloak around him like a blanket. "Thanks, love."
Lunar transmatted in a sleeping bag, and Sarah rolled it out for Fionn. With it, was a pilliow.
"I don' think I'll be sleepin'. Naw with the others ou' there fightin." She notices his accent definantly sounds thicker.
"They'll be okay. They're a team, Fionn, they have each other's backs," She promised, "Listen, you need to rest."
He pulls the hood of his cloak down so she can't see his eyes anymore. "A team... Been a while since I saw a team in action." He mumbles, she notices him curl up with his back in a rocky crevice, almost like a corner as he starts to doze off. "You may as well put the sleeping bag away. Fionn can't sleep without his back to a wall or something." Wisp informs her. "It's part of his protective habbits."
Edited by Splashback77: 4/29/2017 8:54:55 AMShe unzipped the sleeping bag so that it acted like a blanket and tucked him in against the rock. She put down his hood and kissed him on the cheek, "Sleep well, Finn." She put his hood back up. Lunar transmatted in another sleeping bag, which she rolled out and crawled into it. She put the pillow under her head and dozed off.
[spoiler]End or timeskip? I could explain Fionn a bit more if we timeskip.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Timeskip [/spoiler]
Sarah wakes up to the sound of Fionn muttering in his sleep. He sounds distressed.
"Finny?" She asked, sounding concerned.
His muttering was definantly not in English, he begins to thrash around slightly, drawing his cloak tighter around him.
She ran over to him and pulled down the hood of his cloak and stroked his hair, "Tá gach rud ceart go leor, Fionn." [spoiler]Thanks goodness for Google Translate.[/spoiler]
Fionn's eyes snap open and he jumps, drawing a knife. Luckily he realises where he is before he can do anything with said knife. "Sarah?"
Fionn's eyes snap open and he jumps, drawing a knife. Luckily he realises where he is before he can do anything with said knife. "Sarah?"
"You were having night terrors... I tried to calm you down... Sorry for startling you."
He resheaths the knife. "Thanks for wakin' me." He smiles sheepishly, then looks confused. Was tha'... Irish you were speakin'?"
"It was," She replied.
He smiles. "I 'avent heard anyone speak Irish since before I was a Guardian."
"I've visited the city a lot. And I've picked up many languages. Irish just happened to be one of them," She said. [spoiler]There's an irony behind this I want to discuss in PM[/spoiler]
He nods, holding his cloak close around him to ward off the mountain air. "I ain't seen the city in a long time..."