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2/28/2017 12:44:54 AM

VOLITION LOGS 05: Daughter of the Kell, Episode 2

If you missed the last episode, you can find it [url=]here[/url], or if you need to find a previous episode, you can find them all in the [url=]Master Post[/url]. Please give a bump, upvote, or leave comment if you enjoy this and any other chapter! *** [i]The shock blade barely misses me, my instincts alone saving my snout from getting sliced off.[/i] * Good! * [i]Moviks shouts triumphantly as he whips the shock blade back into a waiting stance.[/i] * Let your instincts tell you where the blade is going to be. Feel the change in the air as it slashes – * [i]He punctuates his word with a stab to throw me off, but I’m ready for him. I’ve listened to and learned all of his teachings and, more importantly, his tricks. He slashes at my feet and I leap backwards, putting enough distance between the two of us to catch a momentary breath.[/i] * Yes, use your surroundings! * [i]Moviks shouts again, folding three arms behind his back gracefully, letting only his sword arm loose.[/i] * Use everything at your disposal. If you have two blades, use two. If you have only one blade, use one. If you can only find a stick, use it – anything, everything is a weapon to the properly trained. * [i]My heart swells with the backhanded compliment, but Moviks uses the slight distraction to close the distance between us – in a flash, he’s on me again, the shock blade passing just out of reach – This time, though, I’m watching for an opening – as Moviks spins to regain his stance and continue the assault, I dive between his legs and kick upward, hard – Moviks takes the blow to his stomach, doubling over as the shock blade dislodges from his hand – before it can touch the ground, I reach out and catch it, rolling to my feet and whirling on Moviks, shock blade held to his throat.[/i] * EXCELLENT! * [i]Moviks roars, laughing[/i]. * Very good, Solis! * [i]It feels like fresh ether is pumping through my veins as I grin, blood thundering from the achievement and adrenaline. A slow clap accompanies my pounding heartbeat, and I turn to see Father approaching, flanked by a hulking Captain. I study the Captain, seeing the Wolf banners he bears, the shrewd, discerning look in his eyes as he watches me train appreciatively – I bow to Moviks in thanks for his teachings, then bow to my father as he approaches with his strange guest.[/i] * Rise, daughter, * [i]he says, and I obey.[/i] * You have advanced faster than I could have imagined, but the needs of our people demand more results. You must become even more powerful if we are to retake the Great Machine. * * We shall, Father, * [i]I tell him, bowing again. Though my father doesn’t smile, I can feel a hint of warmth in his eyes as he sees my determination. He turns to the Wolf behind him, who steps forward to scrutinize me.[/i] * That is why you must train under a new master. * [i]He meets Moviks’ eyes, who bows to him and departs. I feel a twinge of pain as I watch the old Eliksni leave, and it takes me a moment to realize that I’m going to miss him. But in order to become better, to become what is needed for our people, I know I can’t stay with just one master. I look into the face of this new master I’ve been given to and bow respectfully to him. He, however, simply shrugs off his cloak and draws his shock blades.[/i] * I saw you beat the old one, * [i]he taunts lightly, taking his stance as I take my own instinctively.[/i] * Now let’s see how you do with a true warrior. * * [i]Beginning landing preparations,[/i] * the skiff’s pilot tells us as the craft swoops lower toward the overgrown jungles on Venus’ surface, snapping me out of the reverie. I look to Anixias at my side and see her already watching me. * [i]What?[/i] * I ask. * [i]Who would’ve thought we’d ever be here?[/i] * she responds, her voice filled with wonder. * [i]The rise of Dra Ge, the consolidation of the Houses – I never would’ve believed I’d live to see the prophecies come true. * * They wouldn’t have without those of us like you,[/i] * I tell her compassionately. It’s not something common with my people, but Anixias will always hold a special place in my heart. I wouldn’t be alive without her. * [i]We couldn’t appreciate these light times without the dark,[/i] * Anixias responds solemnly. * [i]But at least we’re getting to see the light. * * Let’s just see what Winter has to say first. Don’t want to get ahead of ourselves.[/i] * Anixias laughs. * [i]How much changes in just a few years – the Princess has finally learned patience.[/i] * I shove her as she chuckles – she knows I hate that nickname. The skiff falls lower through the clouds until finally coming to a landing spot over the vast wasteland of the Cinders. Ahead, Simiks-Fel hovers next to a cliff, still here despite the death of its Kell. [i]There is only one Kell now, though[/i], I think with mixed emotions. [i]The death of Draksis will be avenged, but I can’t say his demise wasn’t beneficial – it will be significantly easier to appeal to the House of Winter without the whims of their Kell interfering.[/i] We disembark and forge out into the rocky crags. Steam pockets hiss nearby, heat pouring from the molten core below us. I hoist the shock cannon into my arms, eyes peeled as Anixias joins me, the rest of our small advance guard forming behind, our servitor Kaliks-9 bringing up the rear. I look up at the waiting ketch nearby, listening for any sounds of life within – but it just hovers quietly, its bridge still lowered after the Guardians attacked – [i]Guardians[/i], I think ruefully, snarling quietly into my ether mask. [i]Dead things spreading death.[/i] * [i]See anyone?[/i] * Anixias asks, and I shake my head as I turn back to the ketch – A quick flash of movement behind the rocks ahead causes my pulse to quicken. I nudge Anixias and tilt my head toward the movement. She and I both quietly move forward, weapons at the ready as we cautiously cross over to – * [i]Halt![/i] * Anixias cries as she jumps around the rocks, pointing her weapon – I join her, whipping my own cannon quickly to – A small Dreg shudders behind the rocks, hands up fearfully as it looks at us. * [i]A little lost, aren’t you?[/i] * I ask him, relaxing slightly. * [i]Just…just scavenging, Captain,[/i] * he says respectfully, bowing low. [i]Despite the loss of their Kell, at least these Fallen haven’t lost their manners[/i], I think haughtily and stow my cannon, Anixias following suit. * [i]What’s your name? * * Veelos,[/i] * he says quietly, eyes averted. * [i]And you’re from House Winter?[/i] * He meets my eyes quickly and nods. I look around him, eyes shrewdly looking for any other scouts hiding nearby. [i]A scavenger,[/i] I think, chuckling inside. [i]I wonder if he really expects me to believe that. * And where are your friends? * * Friends? * * Come on[/i], * I sigh at him. * [i]Tell them to come out. We bring a proposition to the whole House.[/i] * Veelos looks shifty, uncertain, but all that does is confirm my suspicions. * [i]Go on, it’s okay,[/i] * Anixias coaxes, lowering her own cannon. * [i]We did not come to fight. * * Wolves always fighting[/i],* Veelos retorts. * [i]Except when they’re needed.[/i] * I lean down to meet his eyes and watch him shiver. * [i]And there are many things I could say of Winter[/i], * I growl. * [i]But we are trying to be polite. Now please, tell your friends to reveal themselves.[/i] * Veelos scours my eyes for a few moments, then finally nods and lets out a howling call. All around us, Winters step out from behind the rocks and crags, aiming weapons down on us. * [i]Brothers and sisters![/i] * I cry out as I see them. * [i]There is no Wolf family here! [/i]* one of them calls back. * [i]We brings good news to you![/i] * Anixias shouts out. * [i]News of great tidings, of miracles, and of the rise of our people, of all Eliksni! What say you now, brothers and sisters?[/i] * One of the Winter Captains jumps down to meet us. He stands a full head higher than Anixias and I, but I never drop my gaze from his, refusing to let him intimidate me. [i]I am royalty, after all. * What news?[/i] * he growls. * [i]Take us to your leader so that we can explain it,[/i] * I tell him. * [i]On whose authority? * * Dra Ge.[/i] * There’s an audible whisper that reverberates through the rocks. * [i]There is no Dra Ge,[/i] * the Captain sneers. * [i]And anyone who thinks they are is mad. * * Then we all must be mad,[/i] * Anixias tells him. * [i]Because I saw him escape the Nine and return to us after the Scatter.[/i] * The Captain stares at her shrewdly, trying to deduce if she’s telling the truth. * [i]Have faith, brother,[/i] * she coaxes him. * [i]Dra Ge has come. He truly has.[/i] * He looks past us to our guards. * [i]They stay,[/i] * he says gruffly. * [i]Only you two.[/i] * Anixias starts to retort, but I stop her. * [i]Agreed. We are more than sufficient to tell your leader of Dra Ge’s arrival.[/i] * The Captain nods finally, and beckons us to follow. Anixias waves back to the guards and Kaliks-9 to stay as she and I follow the Captain through the rocks and up to a nearby cave entrance. * [i]Wolves go in,[/i] * he sneers, and I nod solemnly. As we venture inside, Anixias whispers in my ear low enough for only me to hear: * [i]Why does it sound like he doesn’t think we’ll come out? * * Have faith,[/i] * I tell her, patting her shoulder. * [i]Destiny is with us. I know it is.[/i] *

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  • Nice! Just one thing, you might want to put something more to seperate a memory or long thought from the present, the way you're doing it now where it's just like any other paragraph makes it hard to follow sometimes

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