Destiny started out great. It slowly became more and more broken and boring to play, with not much good being added/changed. Sure some of the later story stuff was okay, but nothing spectacular like how Halo was. Ultimately, Destiny became disappointing and bad.
The Division started out broken and bad. The game just had stuff that plain didn't work. However, with each update, it continues to get better and better. New ways to play seem to always be coming, and being able to play the game however one wants, makes the looter aspect a ton of fun. Nowadays, it's safe to say that The Division is finally great.
The two games that were originally thought to be competing against each other have changed drastically. Destiny for the worse, and The Division for the better. Nowadays, they're just opposite in having fun. For Destiny, it really is a shame, to see such potential squandered under poor choices in balancing and microtransaction schemes.
But there's still time to fix things. It just all depends on making the right choices for the player to have a great time once again.
Wildlands is out tomorrow. Feels like a better Division to me. I can hardly wait, Preordered and preloaded.