BraveCole's voice echoed on and on, forever, gradually becoming more distorted.
He walked. There he was, in an empty white void, the only sounds came from his footsteps.
"Hmm. Becky. Mind analyzing where the hell we are?" He asked his ghost.
"Right away, hon," She floated, turning around in the air and letting her robotic frame scan and flicker the area around her. "Uhh.."
"Got an answer?"
"Well..." She started. "I don't think we are.. Anywhere. We aren't on any known map of space and time.."
"This place is already starting to freak me the -blam!- out. Think there's anyway out of here?" BraveCole said as he walked forward, his ghost following his lead.
"Who knows, dear. Maybe we'll have to just keep walki-"
[b][i]Take a step forward.[/i][/b]
"Woah. Who said that? Becky?" BraveCole stopped in his tracks and looked around.
"I'm not sure, I'm not picking up any movement, but I am getting a feeling we're being watched.."
[b][i]I want to exist. Help me exist. Help me..[/i][/b]
"What!? Who are you!?" BraveCole shouted. "Becky, I need a weapon. Give me a shotgun, any shotgun."
"Right, arming you now." Becky then materialized a shotgun in BraveCole's hands, his trusty Party Crasher. He took the weapon and pumped it with one hand and began holding it with two. "Thanks. Now.." He aimed down the sights of the weapon, and treaded forward, very carefully.
[b][i]You can't hurt that which cannot be hurt. I need to exist to be hurt. You exist. I don't. I wish.. To be like you.. Help me.. Be like you.. Help me.. Exist..[/i][/b]
"BraveCole, I-I feel as if we're surrounded by something! I can't.."
"So... How are we gonna deal with literally a hundred BraveCole's?" RJ asked, crossing his arms.
"Glad you asked. Cole's not the only one who tampers with Vex technology, sometimes I do it for hands on experiments with my own students. Give me a second.. I [i]think[/i] I may have what we need." Mr. Oddish then rummaged around in his desk, until he pulled out and revealed a large sword(that somehow managed to fit in a desk drawer) and it crackled with electricity.
"Woah! That's an arc sword!" RJ exclaimed.
"Not just any arc sword. This is an arc sword that has been reverse engineered by vex warp technology. You guys want a demonstration?" Mr. Oddish asked.
"Uhh.. I don't k-know if that-that's a good idea." Dawn squeaked.
"DEMONSTRATION!" Mr. Oddish yelled, lunging forward with the blade toward Dawn.
"AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Dawn screamed. She awaited for the sword to make contact but... nothing.
Mr. Oddish laughed as Dawn looked up confused. "You weren't going to h-hit me..?"
"Oh no, I did. But here's the catch.." Mr. Oddish took the sword and swung it across his arm, where it completely phased through it, like air.
"Huh? What kind of sorcery is that?" Ventis asked.
"This blade is not just any blade. It cannot harm those that are in their respective timelines and or realities. But to those who do not belong.."
Suddenly, the door bursted open and in walked BraveCole. "There you guys are! What was taking so long? It's been thirty minutes."
They all looked at the female variant of BraveCole. There was an awkward silence before Mr. Oddish lunged forward and struck her with the Vex sword. There was a distorted cry of pain, as the entity bursted into pixels.
"Wait, what? Did you just kill her!?" RJ shouted.
"Heavens no. This sword merely corrected the hiccup in the dimension. As soon as contact was made, it sent that BraveCole back to it's respective reality."
"Ahh! I see! So after all the BraveCole's have been sent back to their own timelines, then our BraveCole will return as well!" Ventis yelled.
"Precisely." Mr. Oddish said, handing Ventis the sword. "New assignment. Go out into the courtyard and get rid of all the Coles. It needs to be done before it's too late." He then pulled out two more Vex swords, one for Dawn and RJ respectively.
"Nice! I've never had a sword! But.. Too bad it can only be used for murdering my professor. Nerf timelines." RJ said.
"Mr. Oddish, we will not fail you! Come on, you two. We have a professor to save!" Ventis shouted, as the other two nodded and ran out the door, swords at the ready.
"Godspeed, little ones."
"Look, dude. You can't just march out of a paradoxical limbo and expect every timeline to start bending to your will. I won't let you do that." BraveCole said, speaking to the white void.
[b][i]I can't do that alone. I need you. You exist. I do not. Join me. Become one with me. Help me be like you and we will shape every reality, every timeline, every dimension to our liking. Every instance and outcome will solely depend on our decision.[/i][/b]
BraveCole sighed. "Sometimes I'm too lazy to reload my shotgun all the way, so I just put one shell in at a time. What the -blam!- makes you think I'd wanna run a [i]trillion[/i] timelines?"
[b][i]It would require no effort. Just thinking. Feeling. What you can see, what you can predict, and what you say has happened, will and had of happened. Time will merely be clay in your hands.[/i][/b]
"Sounds awesome. But I'm gonna have to turn that down. Now if you can just point me to the direction of the exit, that'd be gr-"
"Them's fightin' words, asshole. Come on then! Show me what you- hey, what the hell?"
BraveCole was then trapped in a large, metal container. He banged the walls and shouted. "Hey! What gives!? Dude!" And all of a sudden, the container began to fill with a substance, a substance that BraveCole was familiar with.
"Is this.. Vex radiolaria? Hey! Stop! This is gross! Don't.. Urgg.." Before long, the entire container was filled, and BraveCole was completely submerged.
[b][i]Now then..[/i][/b]
[b][i]We shall become one. And I will have my revenge.[/i][/b]
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