Over the last year and a half we have tried to create a platform for the bnet community to speak to Bungie on a more personal level as they discuss their feeling for this game we all share this passion for and to hopefully help bridge the communication divide between community and developer.
Over the last 40 episodes we’ve had on 69 different members of the community and we have gotten to know the voices and the personalities behind the names we see each day on the forums. We’ve spoken to guardians from all over the world and they’ve shared their ideas on the game with us, with the community and with Cozmo, DeeJ and others at Bungie as well.
Bnet has a reputation for being the wild west of Destiny discussion and there is a perception that Bungie doesn’t listen to us here, but it’s not the case. They do listen, they do respond and we as a community have done a great deal to help shape this game over the last 2 ½ years.
Today we are happy to have a new bnet guest, stealthmanuk to talk Destiny, and we are also joined today by someone who writes about Destiny on a national level and has been linked extensively in posts since launch and are happy to welcome [url=https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/#26d3068d6041]Paul Tassi of Forbes[/url] to the podcast.
[quote]Downloadable Audio links:
[b]SoundCloud[/b] https://soundcloud.com/oceans-of-canopy/dtc-episode-41-destiny-in-through-the-out-door
[b]iTunes[/b] https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/destinytruthcast-destiny-podcast/id1101605804?mt=2[/quote]
[spoiler][quote]The #destinytruthcast is a Bnet #feedback forum community podcast hosted by members of the community and featuring community members as guests.
The podcast was started to give everyday guardians a chance to do something they would probably never experience by being on a podcast and to give them the opportunity to have not just their thoughts, but their voices heard by Bungie as they discuss the game.
Beyond that, it's allowed us to get to know the voices and personalities behind the gamertags we see on the forums and get to know each other in a way not possible in anonymous words on a page.
We aren't here to endorse or tear down Bungie or Destiny, but to give honest, balanced talk on this game. Thank-you and maybe we'll see you on an episode. [/quote][/spoiler]
Welcome to a very special episode 41 of the #destinytruthcast where you the community join us in talking all things Bungie and Destiny. Today RedWingGirl and I are joined by bungie.net forum guest stealthmanuk and also none other than Forbes' Paul Tassi.
Today's topics include-
-"a complacent sort of tedium" and finding the joy in exploring open worlds
-Will D2 be more expansive on robust?
-Exotic Quests (Hit or Miss)
-Ingame chat functionality
-Will (or should) D2 have optional matchmaking?
-Leaving all but our face paint behind
-Missing D1 gear? You'll probably get to re-grind/level some in D2 lol
-Fresh start vs continuing journey
-Eververse items not carrying forward
-Bungie and the way they communicate
-Destiny, addition through subtraction
-Have you thought about the "Age of Triumph" at all this week?
-If VoG comes back, is there a point now with gear being left behind?
-PvP affecting PvE
-1:1 balance vs rock, paper, scissors
-What is your absolute favorite weapon since launch?
-Is reaching endgame too easy?
-Having more challenging content to run at max level
-3oC vs endgrams and how loot drops
-The Loot Cave!
-The death of the Nightfall (bring back the blue flame!)
-Iron Banana
-Filling in Destiny's silent worlds
-Will (or should) D2 have dedicated servers instead of P2P?
-Should D2 have ranked playlists?
-Favorite moments of the week
Once again thank you to stealthmanuk and Paul Tassi for joining us today and we thank you for listening and participating on the forums. We can be found on twitter @dstinytruthcast and online at www.destinytruthcast.com
As always, if you'd like to be on a future podcast, message us and let us know your thoughts on the game and what you think would be an important topic to come on and discuss. We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to hear more voices on the next episode :)
Paul can be found at https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/#26d3068d6041
and https://www.earthborntrilogy.com/
[spoiler]Theme song: Convince Us
Artist: Swell
Album: Whenever You're Ready[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Once again I want to thank each of the Guardians who've appeared on the #dtc and helped make this such a cool experience as we've gotten to know each other a little and talk Destiny. Hope the list continues to grow with many more Guardians from the forums :)
J Stevensontown
Draken Wolfe
ill skillz 1881
U Cant Tunafish
Hap Happyton
King Nis
Supreme Butthurt
SithLord Osirus
The Grass Fever
Optimus immortal
Carlous Scopalo
Theo Papi (Shotgun Warrior)
Tim of Tacoma
Supermans Doctor
King Cepheus
Paul Tassi[/spoiler]
Edited by SithLord Osirus: 3/7/2017 1:12:52 AMThis was an especially good episode. I really enjoyed it. In regards to the D2 character reset, I wanted to bring up one topic of discussion that I haven't heard people talking about much, and I think you all glossed over (or I missed it, as I have two younglings at home as I listen). The character reset may have been inevitable. In fact I assumed it would be. I used to be an implementor for a MUD. [spoiler] If you aren't familiar, a MUD is a very early form of online RPG. It was all text, and users connected with telnet, or by navigating the gopher system (another early internet throwback) to our listing.[/spoiler] As an implementor, we were the top level game devs of our little iteration of internet gaming. We paid the server bills, so we got to make the big calls for game design and major changes. We also did some coding (at least I did), but we also had a few dedicated coders to help us make our idea reality, and a group of in game content creators. What I'm getting at, is there were a lot of parallels, albeit at a much smaller scale, to what is going on at a firm like bungie. When we made small patches, or added similar content to what already existed, it could be done relatively easily. We would test it a bit, then paste it into the main source directory, and reboot the system. All players would be disconnected, then come live again with the new changes in place. However, if you made major changes to the base code or incorporated large chunks of code from outside sources (MUDs of the same archetype often traded code modules when someone came up with something great), it would render the old player files incompatible with the new system to such a degree that a player wipe was necessary. It wasn't a matter of us wanting to reset the characters, it was a matter of us wanting to improve the game, and the p-wipe was the cost of being able to do that. This is why I wasn't surprised that D2 is going to be a reset. Given how hamstrung bungie was, by Activision, during the production of destiny, and the fact that the success has allowed them the latitude to (in theory) produce the game they really wanted to. The game engine in destiny 2 is probably so different, that they can't bring in the destiny 1 player files. This is actually a good thing. It means that major changes (hopefully improvements) are on the way, and they may be fulfilling some of those long forgotten promises of what destiny was supposed to be. That's why, even though I find a p-wipe annoying, I can't really be too upset about it. I've been on both sides of this issue, and over the long run, it usually works out for the best.