Good day to everyone, it’s Armsday once again! This week is slightly less disappointing than last week!
Sorry for the late post, I came home & passed out.
Real quick, due to a flood of PMs, & etc. I will say this on D2:
I come from a long MMO history, so gear being left behind is nothing new to me. (Now Bungie really HAS to admit to & bite the MMO bullet imo.)
I am upset that fluff/cosmetics are not carrying over. To me, that should be relatively easy to recreate in D2.
Just remember folks…
With RPGs [i]”It’s about the Journey. Not when you get there.”[/i]
Reflect on every RPG you have played, the game itself “IS” the journey. The Ending is “when you get there”.
So don’t be mad/sad, have fun in these final months. That is what matters.
Now, *dismantles D2* it’s Armsday! Let’s get to the rolls!
All recommendations no matter how good or bad are still pure opinion.
My recommendations are 100% for PVE & strive for Static Performance vs Situational Performance.
[b][u]God Rolls[/u][/b]
There are 2 types of God Rolls.
Community = Popular Opinion/Suggestion.
Personal = A roll that perfectly fits/enhances [u]YOUR[/u] individual playstyle.
I will [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] be making PVP recommendations.
Haunter will be covering PVP rolls in his PVP posting in the comments.
HC = Handcannon, SR = Scout Rifle, AR = Auto Rifle, PR = Pulse Rifle
SPR = Sniper Rifle, FR = Fusion Rifle, RL = Rocket Launcher
HCR = High Caliber Round, APR = Armor Piercing Rounds, EXR = Explosive Rounds
AoO = Army of One, EotS = Eye of the Storm, LitC = Luck in the Chamber
SPS = Single Point Sling, Hand-Laid Stock = HLS, Close &/or Personal = C&P
[i]“Dragging you kicking & screaming into an ever more erotic Future!”[/i]
[b][i][u]Uffern HC4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Extended Mag/Rifled Mag
Roll 2:
Lightweight/Braced Frame
Roll 3:
SPS/Rifled Barrel
Recommendation: Roll 3
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Reorder
I highly recommend Roll 3. It is [b]”MY”[/b] personal God Roll for this gun.
Sureshot IS is the best HC sight.
AoO is amazing on HCs because of the fact most HCs kill in 1 or 3 shots, & typically before your teammates can hit the enemy, so you’re constantly refreshing your Grenades & Melee.
Rifled Barrel covers range, & Outlaw covers Reload. I would prefer Feeding Frenzy but Omolon HCs cannot roll it.
Seriously, do not pass up this roll. Redeem & reorder this gun!
[b][i][u]Cocytus SR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Rescue Mag
Extended Mag/HLS
Roll 2:
Triple Tap
SPS/Casket Mag
Roll 3:
Triple Tap
Recommendation: Roll 2
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem or Save (If you desire a God Roll & only a God Roll)
Roll 2 is actually surprisingly useful for PVE, (all 3 rolls are strong this week tbh).
Triple Tap + Casket Mag allows you to do some good DPS to bosses & elite enemies at the cost of some stability, however the stability still tops the base stability of Chaos Dogma (Without Smallbore), Firefly allows you to clear groups of regular enemies.
Not a bad roll at all. Worth giving serious consideration.
[b][i][u]Tuonela SR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Snapshot/Rifled Barrel
Roll 2:
Roll 3:
Rescue Mag
Extended Mag/Rifled Barrel
Recommendation: None. Roll 3 if you want to burn the order.
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save
This gun can roll much better than this. Icarus on Scouts (even after the patch) isn’t worthwhile.
Roll 3 is your best bet if you just want to be rid of the order.
Rescue Mag + AoO make decent buffs & will increase your survivability. You can swap between Extended Mag & Rifled Barrel depending on situation.
[b][i][u]Thesan FR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Roll 2:
Roll 3:
Quickdraw/Oiled Frame
Recommendation: None
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save
While I would recommend one of these. None of these rolls really take advantage/compliment the Thesan well enough.
[b][i][u]Eirene RR4[/u][/i][/b]
Roll 1:
Lightweight/Casket Mag
Clown Cartridge/Underdog
Roll 2:
Lightweight/Oiled Frame
Life Support/Last Resort
Roll 3:
SPS/Injection Mold
Recommendation: Roll 1
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save
Roll 1 is a serious tease. (We got LitC instead of Triple Tap)
However, out of all 3 rolls this is still the strongest this week, will Roll 2 in a close second.
Due to the low magazines of Snipers LitC [i]”should”[/i] proc often. However, Casket Mag & Clown Cartridge will make it less predictable.
[i]“Hakke gun’s are the most powerful guns in the Last City, just ask the Speaker!
“I could tell you. *record skip* of the power *skip* of Hakke weaponry.”[/i]
Roll 1:
Triple Tap
Reactive Reload
Hand Loaded/APR/Oiled Frame
Roll 2:
Last Resort
Zen Moment
Hand Loaded/APR/Reinforced Barrel
Roll 3:
Crowd Control
Feeding Frenzy
Speed Reload/APR/Reinforced Barrel
Recommendation: Roll 3
Redeem/Save/Reorder: AUGH!
This world is a cruel world. Roll 3 is [b][i]THE[/i][/b] Judith God Roll!
Except it doesn’t have Sureshot IS. In this a game breaker? Up to you. Steadyhand isn’t bad, but it’s bronze tier.
Crowd Control + Feeding Frenzy = a Judith that reloads fast, off of ALL kills, which makes this Judith viable in ALL difficulties of PVE content.
Reinforced Barrel remedies the range.
I have never been so torn on a gun before. This is a gun to own, but missing Sureshot IS is also devastating due to just how dramatic a boost to accuracy Sureshot is.
Roll 1:
GA Post/LC Ranged
Zen Moment
SPS/Hand Loaded/Injection Mold
Roll 2:
SC Holo/LD Watchdog
Crowd Control
SPS/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
Roll 3:
GA Post/SD Thermal
Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
Recommendation: Roll 3
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Reorder
You can reorder this gun this week.
Roll 3 is an extremely stable PR. Counterbalance + Fitted Stock give you a PR that you can not only predict the recoil of, but also will feel very little recoil from. Headseeker is a nice bonus as Counterbalance will force the gun to kick upwards.
This week’s rolls are more of a PVP rolls if you ask me but that is Haunter’s turf so I’ll just hide over here behind Kroppin.
[i]”Lubricated. Protected. High Caliber. SUROS.”[/i]
Roll 1:
Hammer Forged/Oiled Frame
Roll 2:
HCR/Casket Mag
Snapshot/Rifled Barrel
Roll 3:
Perfect Balance/Oiled Frame
SPS/Injection Mold
Recommendation: Roll 2 (But you should wait till next week)
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save
Roll 2 is this week’s top roll for the 43.
HCR allows you to breath between shots (due to the base stability)/reloads as you can keep your enemies Staggered. Unflinching actually helps this SR as it will allow you to make max range shots while getting shot (Remember, we only have broken wrists when using Sniper Rifles, NOT Scout Rifles.), Rifled Barrel just boost this SR’s range to Sniper range.
I recommend waiting because as many of us have seen, this gun does like to roll with perks that turn it into a highly stable sniper.
Roll 1:
Confined Launch/Linear Compensator/Hard Launch
SPS/Speed Reload
Cluster Bomb
Perfect Balance/Snapshot
Roll 2:
Warhead Verniers/Linear Compensator/Hard Launch
Heavy Payload/Flared Magwell
Roll 3:
Confined Launch/Linear Compensator/Countermass
Heavy Payload/Flared Well
Recommendation: None. Roll 2 if you need to burn the order
Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save
This RL can roll with nearly max Blast & Velocity (as Roll 2 proves), however this week’s rolls could be better. As with the right rolls this RL puts Truth to shame & makes Gjallahorn sweat. Also it is a rare sell.
Roll 2 has near maxed Blast & Velocity due to Warhead Verniers + Heavy Payload + Javelin, & Tripod is thrown in to give you a mag size of 3! If you are good at firing non-tracking rockets then this RL will serve you well.
[b][i][u]Next Week’s Orders[/u][/i][/b]
[u]Herja-D[/u]: Order
Mid-Impact, High Stability, Low Range, High RoF, Mag = 34, Learning Curve: Novice
[u]Uffern HC4[/u]: Order
High Impact, High Stability, Mag = 7, Learning Curve: Intermediate
[u]Lyyudmila-D[/u]: Order
High Impact, Mid Stability, Mid-Range, Mid RoF, Mag = 33, Learning Curve: Expert
[u]Gaheris-D[/u]: 50/50
Mid Impact, High RoF (for a HC), High Stability, Mag = 7, Learning Curve: Intermediate
This is a hidden Gem. It shoots very smooth for a Hakke, shoots very accurately even when rapid fired. It lacks some “umph” so it will take 1 or 2 extra shots to down Elites, but still will see you through. I cleared King’s Fall using this HC if that helps any.
[u]Ari-45[/u]: 50/50
High Impact, Mid Stability, High RoF, Mag = 50, Learning Curve: Intermediate
That’s it for this week.
For those who have PM’d me asking if I will do Armsday for D2:
We will see. When we get a true infodump on D2 I will make my decision on if I will be purchasing D2.
D2 may not even have Armsday. So patience is key.
Be safe! Gun’s Up Guardians!
Edited by kroppin: 3/8/2017 10:53:30 PM[quote][b][u][i]Herja-D[/i][/u][/b] Roll 3: GA Post/SD Thermal Headseeker Counterbalance Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame[/quote] This is imo a god-roll Herja-D (for PvP). I'm so glad I picked up this package; two weeks in (I actually picked up last week's and bought another since it was being resold, but...) and he's already selling something nice! Definitely turning that one in when I get on.